15 Traits Only Players Have

What are the traits that only players have? It can be hard to tell when someone is being genuine with you and when they’re just playing games.
Many people have been hurt by someone they thought was a great person, only to find out later that they were a player all along. So, how can you tell if someone is a player?
It’s important to know what to look for. Players often display certain traits, and if you’re able to spot them early on, you can save yourself a lot of heartache.
Here are the top 15 traits that most players have.
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What Are The Traits That Only Players Have?
#1. They Are Too Smooth.
This is common with players. They are very smooth when it comes to talking to you, and they make you feel special. They know all the right things to say, and they always seem to say them at just the right time.
This behavior can be flattering at first, but after a while you’ll start to feel like you’re being manipulated. If someone is constantly telling you what you want to hear, be cautious. They may just be trying to get something from you.
#2. They Look for Pleasure, Not Genuine Connection.
This is a tricky one, because obviously we all want to be with someone who makes us feel good. But some players take this to an extreme. They are always looking for the next best thing, and they’re not really interested in anything else.
If you find yourself being pursued by someone who seems more interested in your body than your mind, be careful. They may just be using you for pleasure.
#3. Perfect Acting, When They Need Something.
In a survey of 100 people, it was found that players are often very good actors. They can turn on the charm when they need something from you, but as soon as they get what they want, they go back to their true selves.
For example, a player may be extra sweet to you when they need money from you. But as soon as they have your money, they’ll go back to their cold, distant self. Be careful because this is one of the traits that only players have.
#4. They Make You Feel Like You Are Overreacting.
Players are experts at gaslighting. They will make you question your reality and make you feel like you are overreacting to their bad behavior.
For example, if you confront a player about the fact that they never seem to be around when you need them, they will likely tell you that you’re being too needy. They will find a way to make you doubt yourself, instead of taking responsibility for their own actions.
#5. They Test Your Boundaries.
Players will often test your boundaries to see how much they can get away with. They may do things that they know you don’t approve of, just to see how you’ll react.
The psychological reason for this is that they want to see how much control they have over you. If they can make you tolerate their bad behavior, they feel like they have won. And this, of course, means that they can continue to do it.
#6. They Love the Chase but Get Bored Once You’re Caught.
The mentality of most players is that the chase is more fun than the catch. They love the thrill of pursuing someone, but once they actually catch you, they start to lose interest.
This is because players are often more interested in the idea of you than they are in actually being with you. They love the thrill of the chase, but once they have you, they start to get bored. This is one of the traits that only players have.
#7. They Talk About Their Exes… A Lot.
It’s not uncommon for people to talk about their ex-lovers, but players take it to an extreme. They will often bring up their exes in conversation, and try to make you feel uncomfortable.
They may also compare you to their exes, and try to find ways to make you feel like you are not good enough. This is all part of their manipulative behavior.
For example, they might talk about how great their ex was in bed or how much fun they had together. They do this in order to make you feel like you have to compete with their ex in order to get what they want from you.
#8. They Don’t Want To Be Seen In Public With You.
If you’re dating someone and they never want to be seen in public with you, that’s a red flag. This is especially true if they are always making excuses for why they can’t be seen with you in public.
Players often don’t want to be seen in public with the person they’re dating, because they don’t want anyone to know that they’re committed to someone. They want to keep their options open, and being seen in public with you would close those options.
#9. They Never Introduce You To Their Friends Or Family.
This one is related to the previous point. If someone is interested in you, they will want to introduce you to their friends and family. But if someone is just using you for their own purposes, they will never want to do this.
Players don’t want to introduce you to the people who are important to them, because they don’t want anyone to know that they’re dating you. This will make things easier for them when they eventually move on to someone else.
#10. They Have a Lot of Secrets.
Players often have a lot of secrets, because they don’t want anyone to know the truth about their dating life.
For example, they may have a lot of exes that they haven’t told you about. Or they may be hiding the fact that they’re still seeing other people, even though they’re supposed to be exclusive with you.
The easiest way to test them is by pretending like you need to borrow their phone. If they suddenly get defensive and refuse to let you borrow their phone, it’s a sign that they’re hiding something.
#11. They Are Flirting Experts.
Players are often very good at flirting. They know how to say and do the right things to make someone else feel attracted to them.
The problem is that they often use this skill to manipulate people. They may flirt with you even though they’re not interested in you, just to get what they want from you. This can be hard to spot, but it’s important to be aware of it. When someone is constantly trying to make you feel attracted to them but never actually follows through on anything, it’s a sign that they’re a player.
#12. They Don’t Take No For An Answer.
When they ask you for something, they don’t take no for an answer.
For example, if they ask you for your number and you say no, they will find a way to get it from you. They may pretend to be interested in you just so they can get what they want.
Players are often very persistent because they know how to manipulate people into giving them what they want. They simply see rejection as a challenge, and they’re not afraid to keep pushing until they get what they want.
#13. They Disappear When You Need Them Most.
Players are often there for you when things are going well, but they disappear when you need them most.
For example, if you’re having a bad day and you need someone to talk to, they will be nowhere to be found. But if you’re having a good day and you want to share it with someone, they will be there.
Players want to be around only when you can satisfy their ego or needs in some way. When you need them but can’t offer anything in return, they’re not interested.
#14. They Are Great Liars.
This is no surprise. Players are often very good at lying, because they have to lie in order to keep their various relationships going.
They may lie about their intentions, their feelings, or anything else that would make it difficult for them to get what they want. If you’re dating someone and you can’t seem to get a straight answer out of them, it’s a sign that they’re probably lying to you.
#15. They Don’t Keep Their Promises.
From canceling plans at the last minute to forgetting important dates, players often don’t keep their promises.
They may make plans with you and then cancel them, or they may say they’ll do something and then never follow through. This is because they’re not actually interested in you; they’re just using you for their own purposes.
When someone consistently doesn’t keep their promises, it’s a sign that they’re not to be trusted.
Final Thoughts
There you have it, 15 traits only players have. Now that you know the traits only players have, you can be on the lookout for them.
The next time you meet someone new, pay attention to how they behave around you. If they display some of these traits, it’s a sign that they’re probably not interested in a committed relationship.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that everyone who displays some of these traits is a player. But if you’re interested in a committed relationship, it’s best to be cautious. Get to know the person better before you invest too much emotionally in them.
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