
The High Value Code (8 Rules You Should NEVER Break)

The High Value Code

What you are going to learn in this post are eight rules that high-value people never break, we call them “the high value code.” And as soon as you start following them, then sooner your life could change.

You don’t need to look like a movie star or have a million dollars in the bank to be a high-value person. You don’t even need to be born into a wealthy family.

What you do need is an understanding of these eight powerful high value code rules and the discipline to implement them in your life. Once you do, you will start to see a major shift in how people treat you, how opportunities come your way, and how you feel about yourself.

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What Is The High Value Code?

Rule #1. Value Your Attention.

Your attention is the most precious commodity that you have. It is the foundation of your entire life experience.

Wherever you place your attention is where you will put your focus, energy, and time. And in a life full of distractions, where you are bombarded with input from social media, the news, television, and advertising, it is very easy to scatter your attention and squander this valuable resource.

This is the first rule of the high value code. High-value people are very mindful of where they focus their attention. They are very intentional about the input they allow into their lives.

They know that what they focus on expands. So, they make sure to fill their minds with things that inspire them, educate them, and help them grow.

If you want to be a high-value person, start by valuing your attention. Be very intentional about the input you allow into your life. Guard your attention like it is gold, because it is.

Rule #2. Have a Purpose of Life.

High-value people are clear about their purpose in life. They don’t just go through the motions day after day, living on autopilot.

They have a sense of why they are here and what they want to accomplish with their time on this earth. This gives them a strong sense of direction and the motivation to keep moving forward, even when things get tough.

If you want to be a high value person, get clear on your purpose in life. Why are you here? What do you want to accomplish? When you have a clear sense of direction, it is much easier to stay focused and motivated, no matter what challenges come your way.

In a study of over 200,000 people, those who had a clear sense of their purpose in life were more likely to report being very happy and satisfied with their lives.

If you say that you don’t know what your purpose is, that’s okay. Just start by setting some goals for yourself. What do you want to achieve? What kind of impact do you want to make?

As you set and accomplish goals, you will start to get a clearer sense of your purpose. This will make people see you as a high-value person.

Rule #3. Value Your Time.

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. But how we use that time can vary greatly.

High-value people know that time is a limited resource and they use it wisely. They are very intentional about how they spend their time and they make sure to invest it in things that are important to them.

They say no to things that don’t align with their goals, and they make sure to prioritize the people and activities that are most important to them.

Being a nice person does not always mean being available to everyone for everything. Sometimes you have to say no in order to make room for what is really important. Develop the courage to plan your time wisely and invest it in the things that matter most to you.

This rule will make people respect you and see you as a high-value person who is worth investing in. This is one of the most important rules in the high value code.

Rule #4. Respect and Take Care of Yourself.

Think about it for a second. If you don’t respect yourself, why should anyone else respect you?

If you want people to see you as a high-value person, it starts with respecting yourself. This means taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. It means making time for the things that are important to you and setting boundaries when necessary.

Research shows that most people spend most of their daytime subconsciously thinking about how they are being perceived by others. This is called self-monitoring, and it takes up a lot of energy and mental bandwidth.

This is why it is so important to be conscious of how you are treating yourself. When you are constantly blaming yourself, putting yourself down, or beating yourself up, it is very hard to see yourself as a high value person. 

And when you don’t see yourself as a valuable person, it is very hard for others to see you that way as well. Follow this rule and see the magic of the high value code.

Rule #5. Don’t Seek Other People’s Approval.

One of the quickest ways to devalue yourself is to seek other people’s approval.

When you are constantly looking for validation from others, it communicates that you don’t think you are good enough the way you are. It also means that you are not confident in your own opinions and decision-making ability.

When you constantly seek other people’s approval, it also makes you very vulnerable to their opinions and feedback. This can lead to a lot of anxiety and stress because you are constantly worried about what others think of you.

The solution is to start seeking your own approval. Make decisions that are best for you and that align with your values and goals.

Be confident in your own abilities and trust that you are making the right decisions even if others don’t agree with you. That’s how you increase your value in the eyes of others.

Rule #6. Cut All The Toxic Relationships Out Of Your Life.

Toxic relationships are relationships that bring you more pain than joy. They are the relationships that are one-sided, draining, and hurtful.

This rule is one that is often hard to follow, but it is so important. Toxic relationships can take a toll on your mental and emotional health. They can make you doubt yourself, feel bad about yourself, and start to believe the negative things that the other person says about you.

Let’s be honest here: it’s not always easy to just cut people out of your life. Especially if the person is a family member or someone who you have been close to for a long time.

The best way to deal with toxic relationships is to set boundaries. This means setting limits on how much time you spend with the person, what you will and will not tolerate from them, and how much of yourself you are willing to give to the relationship.

It’s also important to have a support system in place when dealing with toxic relationships. This could be a group of friends or family members who you can rely on for emotional support.

Rule #7. Invest In Yourself.

Every high-value person knows that the best investment they can make is in themselves. Instead of investing their money in material things, they invest in their own education, development, and growth.

Investing in yourself means taking the time to learn new skills, develop your talents, and grow as a person. It means making an effort to become the best version of yourself that you can be.

When you invest in yourself, you are increasing your value not just in the eyes of others but in your own eyes as well. You are showing yourself that you are worth the time, effort, and money.

In a study done by the Harvard Business Review, they found that the number one predictor of success is not IQ or social intelligence but rather self-control.

And the fact that you are now reading this posts and our other posts and videos already shows that you are willing to invest in yourself. You are taking the time to learn and grow, which is a very valuable quality.

Rule #8. Don’t Settle For Less Than You Deserve.

It can be very challenging to realize how much you deserve if you have been settling for less than you deserve for most of your life.

Settling is a habit that is often hard to break, but it’s so important that you do. When you settle, you are telling yourself that you are not worthy of more. You are telling yourself that you are not deserving of better.

The first step to breaking this habit is to become aware of it. Observe when you are settling for less than you deserve in your relationships, your career, and your life in general.

The second step is to start setting standards for yourself. Determine what you want and don’t settle for anything less. When you start holding yourself to a higher standard, you will start to see how much you deserve.

And people will notice how much you have increased in value.

Final Thoughts:

As you can see, being a high value person is not about being perfect. In fact, every single person on earth is of high value. But the problem is that not everyone realizes it or lives up to their potential because not many people know about the power of the high value code.

The high value code and hese 8 rules are just a starting point for showing the world how valuable you are.

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