11 Unconscious Things You Do That Make People Ignore You

Unconscious Things That Make People Ignore You

What are the unconscious things you do that make people ignore you? Do you often feel like no one hears what you have to say? Do you find it strange that people always seem to ignore you?

But what if you did something to make it happen? Everyone agrees that having good, healthy relationships can make you happier than most people. Being ignored can make you feel bad about yourself and other people.

This is especially true if you are not aware of why they do so. Do you think you might have some habits that make people not listen to what you say? 

Before we start, it’s important to know that the goal of this post is to help you figure out why people are ignoring you. It does not aim to make anyone look bad.

Having that said, here are 11 unconscious things you do that make people ignore you.

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What Are The Unconscious Things That Make People Ignore You?

#1. You Try Too Hard.

One of the unconscious things that make people ignore you is when you try to hard. When you want to make a good impression on someone or be liked by others, it is very easy to try too hard.

Trying too hard can come across as desperate, which is usually a turnoff for people. If you find that you are always the one who initiates conversations or plans social events, it might be time to take a step back.

Give yourself a break sometimes and let others take the lead. Relax and let things flow naturally instead of forcing them. This way, people will be more likely to approach you and include you in their plans.

#2. You Criticize Others.

Do you want the best for the people you care about and always tell them what they’re doing wrong? If this is you, you have a very kind and admirable way of thinking. 

But this way of thinking can lead you to criticize people too much, especially if you only look at what they did wrong. If people think you only know how to criticize, even if you mean well, they will ignore you. 

This doesn’t mean you should just let your friends and family make mistakes and not say anything. Criticism in the right amount helps people grow. However, adding praise and encouragement to the mix can help soften the blow of the criticism.

This is one of the unconscious things that make people ignore you.

#3. You Are Full Of Negativity.

Do you always see the glass as half empty? Have you ever wanted to stay away from someone who always says bad things? If you said yes, you know how people respond to negativity. If you are always complaining or saying bad things,

That could be why people ignore you. A study shows that people try to stay away from negativity at all costs because it can affect the mood and health of others. 

So, it might be a good idea to do a quick reality check and make sure you are not bringing bad things to your network of people. This is one of the unconscious things that make people ignore you.

#4. Your Presence Doesn’t Grab People’s Attention. 

Do you feel like people don’t pay much attention to what you say, even if they just met you? People may ignore you even if you just met them. This could be because of how you act in public and how confident you are. Studies show that people are more interested in and pay more attention to those who have a good first impression and are confident. 

So, if you feel like your presence doesn’t get enough attention, you might want to start by taking steps to boost your confidence. When you talk to people, it’s important to work on your body language and how you approach them. 

These things are very important if you want people to notice you and pay more attention to you.

#5. You Overthink What You’re Going To Say.

Do you consider yourself quiet during group conversations? Do you feel like the conversation is moving too fast and you can’t keep up? If so, you’re probably overthinking what you’re going to say, which makes you feel like you’re being ignored in conversations. 

It’s a natural thing to do, and almost everyone does it. When you think too much during a conversation, you might feel like you are taking part a lot because you are thinking about so many things. In reality, you don’t talk as much as you think you do, and people might think you’re not interested. So, people might not talk to you just because they think you don’t want to.

#6. You Are A Bad Listener.

Do you feel like you tend to speak a lot more than other people? Or that you only talk about yourself? If the answer is yes, this might be a reason people ignore you.

Many people get annoyed when you only talk about yourself and never let anyone else talk. It shows that you don’t care about what the other person thinks.

Relationships work best when both people give and take. If you want people to listen to what you have to say, you have to listen to what they have to say as well.

Of course, just because you talk a lot doesn’t mean you don’t care about other people. You might have a lot to say, or you might think that letting other people talk first might be hard for them. Instead, it sends the wrong message. 

#7. You Are Self-Absorbed.

It is great to be confident and love yourself, but there is a line between being confident and being self-absorbed. If you are always talking about yourself, your achievements, or your problems, then people might start to find you dull and uninteresting. Instead of always making it about you, try asking others about themselves and showing a genuine interest in their lives.

People will be much more likely to want to talk to you and include you in their social plans if they feel like you are interested in them as individuals. Studies show that people who are self-absorbed tend to have fewer close friends and often feel isolated. So, if you want to avoid being ignored, make sure that you don’t come across as self-absorbed.

#8. You Look Tense.

Do you feel like you are always the one who is tense and nervous during social interactions? If so, that might be one of the reasons why people avoid you. When you are tense, your body language shows it, and people can pick it up. You might not even realize that you are doing it, but it can come across as unapproachable or even intimidating.

Try to relax and be aware of your body language. If you find yourself getting tense, take a deep breath and try to exude confidence. This will make people feel more comfortable around you and they are more likely to approach you. We will put a link to our positive body language checklist down below. You can get it for free if you are a subscriber to our channel.

#9. You Might Come Off As Weird.

Being weird is not something that you should aspire to, but it is also not something that you should be afraid of. If you are always worried about what others think of you and try to fit in all the time, then people might find you boring and unoriginal. Instead of blending in, try to stand out and be yourself. Show your quirks and let your true personality shine through.

Of course, you don’t want to be so weird that people avoid you, but a little bit of quirkiness can actually make you more likable and interesting. So, if you want people to pay more attention to you, don’t be afraid to show your true colors.

#10. You Gossip A Lot.

Do you find yourself gossiping a lot when you are around other people? If so, that might be one of the reasons why they avoid you. Gossiping can make you seem judgmental and mean-spirited, even if you don’t intend it to. People might not want to be around you if they think that you are always talking about others behind their backs.

Instead, focus on talking about positive things and building others up. This will make you seem like a much more pleasant person to be around, and people will be more likely to want to talk to you.

#11. You Think You Know Everything.

Do you find yourself always trying to prove that you are right, even when you are wrong? If so, then you might come across as someone who is difficult to talk to. People might avoid you because they think that you are always trying to one-up them or prove that you are better than them.

Instead of always trying to be right, try to be open-minded and willing to see other people’s perspectives. This will make you seem more approachable and easy to talk to. People will be more likely to want to engage in conversations with you if they feel like you are open to hearing their opinions.

Final Thoughts.

Now, if you relate to some of these unconscious habits, remember that not everything is your fault. You can only control your own behavior, not other people’s.

It is critical to understand that doing the things discussed in this video does not automatically make you a bad person. 

There is always a chance that the people who are ignoring you just don’t care. You don’t have to change for people who don’t want to be in a relationship with you. Instead, it’s better to put your energy into people who really care about you and are interested in you.

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