11 Signs Someone Truly Misses You

Have you ever wondered if someone misses you? What are the signs that show someone misses you?
Maybe you’ve been out of touch for a while and are curious if they’re thinking about you. Or, perhaps you don’t talk to them as often as you’d like, and you’re wondering if they’re missing your company.
While you can’t read someone’s mind, there are usually some telltale signs that show whether or not someone misses you. If you’re trying to determine whether someone misses you, here are 11 proven signs to look out for.
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What Are The Signs That Indicate Someone Misses You?
#11. They’re Silently Stalking Your Social Media.
In today’s digital age, it’s easy to stay connected to the people we care about-and that includes those who we used to be in relationships with. One of the signs that indicate someone misses you is when they’re silently stalking you on social media.
If you’ve been wondering whether the person is still thinking about you, there’s a good chance they are if they’re silently stalking your social media.
If you notice that someone who you haven’t heard from in a while is suddenly commenting on all of your posts or liking all of your photos, it’s a pretty good bet that they miss you and are trying to stay connected to you in any way they can.
Another dead giveaway is if they start following all of your friends and family members on social media.
This is usually a tactic employed by someone who is hoping to get information about you indirectly—and it’s a sure sign that they miss having you in their life.
#10. They Talk To Others About You.
From a scientific standpoint, talking about someone is a way of keeping that person present in your life—even when they’re not physically there.
So, if you notice that someone is always bringing up your name in conversation, especially with mutual friends, it’s a good sign that they miss you and are trying to keep you present in their life.
And, if they’re always asking others about you-what you’re doing, who you’re dating, etc.-it’s an even stronger sign that they can’t seem to get you out of their mind.
#9. They Call You Or Text You By “Mistake.”
This is a behavior that’s often employed by people who are trying to get your attention but don’t want to seem too eager.
If you notice that someone who you haven’t talked to in a while suddenly “accidentally” calls or texts you—especially if they do it more than once—it’s a pretty good sign that they miss you and are hoping to reignite your relationship.
For example, you might receive a text message saying “Hey, I meant to send that to my friend, not you!” or a phone call where they quickly hang up as soon as you answer.
In both of these cases, the person is trying to create an excuse to get in touch with you—and it’s a sign that they miss having you in their life.
#8. They Mirror Your Actions.
This is one of the signs that indicate someone misses you. According to research, humans have a tendency to mirror the actions of those they’re interested in—even if they’re not consciously aware of it.
So, if you notice that someone is suddenly starting to dress like you, talk like you, or adopt similar mannerisms, it’s a good sign that they’re trying to connect with you on a deeper level.
It’s also a sign that they miss having you in their life and are hoping to fill the void by becoming more like you.
This is especially true if you and they usually see each other regularly but have been spending time apart lately.
In this case, they may be mirroring your actions in an attempt to feel closer to you.
#7. They Try To Get Your Attention.
Getting someone’s attention is a pretty clear sign that you miss them, and it’s no different when it comes to the people we used to be in relationships with.
If you notice that someone is constantly trying to get your attention-whether it’s through social media, in person, or even through mutual friends-it’s a good sign that they miss you and are hoping to re-establish contact.
This is especially true if they go out of their way to do things that they know will get your attention.
For example, they might start showing up at the same places you frequent or start talking to your friends more often.
In any case, it’s a clear sign that they miss you and are hoping to get back into your life.
#6. They Remind You Of The Good Times.
In psychology, this behaviour is known as “rosy retrospection”—and it’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like.
When we miss someone, we tend to only remember the good times we had with them and forget all of the bad.
For example, if you and this person started talking again, they might bring up all of the good times you had together and how much fun you used to have.
They might also say things like “I miss the old times” or “I wish things could go back to the way they were.”
In any case, it’s a clear sign that they’re feeling nostalgic for your relationship and are hoping to rekindle things. This is one of the clear signs that indicate someone misses you.
#5. They Act Like They Don’t Care.
This is a tricky one because it can be interpreted in a few different ways.
This is a common defence mechanism that people use when they’re trying to hide their true feelings.
If this person is acting like they don’t care about you or the relationship, it’s possible that they’re just trying to cover up how much they actually do care.
Of course, it’s also possible that they’ve moved on and are genuinely over you.
It’s important to look at the situation as a whole and take other factors into account before coming to a conclusion.
#4. They Give You Indirect Compliments.
One of the big signs that indicate someone misses you is when they start to give you indirect compliments.
Indirect compliments are a way of showing interest without coming out and saying it directly.
For example, if this person is constantly trying to make you laugh or smile, it’s a good sign that they enjoy your company and miss having you around.
They might also compliment you on things that are unrelated to your appearance, like your intelligence or sense of humor.
In any case, it’s a sign that they appreciate you and miss having you in their life.
#3. They Give Themselves a Makeover.
This is a big one. Oftentimes, when people are trying to impress someone, they’ll go out of their way to make themselves look good.
If you notice that this person has made a major change in their appearance—whether it’s a new hairstyle, a new wardrobe, or even just a new attitude—it’s a good sign that they want to make a good impression on you.
They might be doing this in an attempt to win you back or just to get your attention.
Making themselves look better than before is a clear sign that they miss you and are hoping to make things work between you two.
#2. They Make An Effort To Reconnect With You.
There are two ways this can go.The first is that they’ll reach out to you directly and try to re-establish contact. This could be through social media, text messaging, email, or even face-to-face.
The second is that they’ll make an indirect effort to reconnect with you—for example, by talking to your friends or showing up at places you frequently visit.
They will try their best to not come across as clingy or desperate, but their true feelings will eventually show through.
They might say something like, “I just wanted to say hi” or “You came to my mind and I wanted to reach out.” In any case, it’s a clear sign that they truly miss you.
#1. They Make Posts That Relate To You.
One of the clearest signs that someone is missing you is if they make posts on social media that relate to you.
For example, if you see that someone has shared a memory of you on their feed or has posted something that reminded them of you, it’s a good indication that they’re thinking about you and wish you were still around.
This is an indirect way of reaching out to you and trying to connect with you.
It’s also a way of showing that they’re not over you yet and that they still have feelings for you. This is one of the signs that indicate someone misses you.
Final Thoughts.
Although most of these signs are pretty clear, it’s important to remember that you can’t always read someone’s mind.
However, with the power of social psychology, you can get a pretty good idea of how someone is feeling just by observing their behaviour.
Just keep in mind that everyone is different, so not all of these signs will be applicable in every situation.
But a good baseline to go by is that if you see that someone is exhibiting more than 50% of these signs, it’s a pretty good indication that they’re missing you.
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