11 Proven Habits That Make You SMARTER Every Day

Do you want to learn the proven habits that make you smarter every day? Do you want to be smarter? Of course, you do! Who doesn’t want to have higher intelligence and better cognitive abilities?
According to science, you don’t have to be born a genius to become one. And you don’t need to spend your life in a library, either.
You can make yourself smarter by following some simple, scientifically proven habits, even if you’re not a naturally smart person.
So, what are these 11 habits? And how can you start following them to become smarter? Make sure to read this post all the way through so you don’t miss any important information.
What Are The Proven Habits That Make You Smarter Every Day?
#11. Read At Least 15 Min a Day.
If you are someone who doesn’t read much, this habit is for you. This is one of the most important proven habits that make you smarter every day.
According to a study done by Emory University, reading can help improve brain connectivity and cognitive abilities in seniors. The research found that those who read regularly had greater mental flexibility and were better able to come up with creative solutions to problems.
Reading can not only be fun and entertaining, but it can also help improve your attention span, memory, and ability to think critically.
This is especially true for reading fiction, which has been shown to exercise the brain in much the same way that physical activity strengthens the body.
Even just fifteen minutes of reading each day can have a huge impact on brain health, making it an easy and enjoyable way to boost intelligence.
#10. Surround Yourself With Intelligent People.
We all know that intelligence is relative. What one person finds easy, another person may find difficult.
However, one of the best things you can do is to surround yourself with intelligent people.
When you’re around people who are smarter than you, you’re forced to up your game.
You have to work harder to keep up with the conversation, and as a result, your brain gets a workout.
Additionally, being around intelligent people encourages you to think more deeply about problems and to come up with creative solutions.
So if you want to become smarter, make sure to surround yourself with intelligent people. It’s an investment in your future that is sure to pay off.
#9. Make Time To Journal and Reflect.
This habit is scientifically proven to work if you want to be smarter.
Journaling is a great way to reflect on your day and process your thoughts and emotions. It allows you to step back and see the bigger picture, which can be helpful when solving problems.
In addition, journaling can help improve memory recall.
Studies have shown that people who journal are better able to remember details from their past than those who don’t.
Not only will you improve your mental capabilities by journaling, but you’ll also gain greater insight into yourself and the world around you.
#8. Be Mindful of The Information You Consume.
Have you ever felt like you were in a constant state of overwhelm? There’s so much information out there, and it can be tough to know what to pay attention to and what to ignore.
In a world where we are bombarded with information from all sides, it’s important to be mindful of the content we consume.
The news, social media, and even casual conversation can all contain negativity and false information.
All of this can have a negative impact on our mental state, leading to anxiety, stress, and even depression.
So it’s important to be selective about the information we consume.
Make an effort to seek out positive and accurate information, and limit your exposure to negativity as much as possible.
Your mental health will thank you for it because this is one of the best proven habits that make you smarter every day.
#7. Ask Questions and Seek Clarification.
Did you know that people who ask a lot of questions instead of making assumptions are more likely to be successful?
From a scientific standpoint, asking questions allows you to gather more information, which in turn allows you to make better decisions.
It also shows that you’re not afraid to admit when you don’t know something and that you’re willing to learn.
Additionally, asking questions can help improve your memory.
When you have to explain something to someone, you’re more likely to remember the details yourself.
So next time you’re in a meeting or having a conversation, instead of assuming you know what the other person is talking about, ask questions and seek clarification.
This simple habit will make you smarter and more successful.
#6. Take Care of Your Body and Mind.
Most people want to be smarter, but they don’t realize that it starts with taking care of their body and mind. This is one of the proven habits that make you smarter.
Getting good sleep, exercising, and eating healthy are all important steps in boosting your brain power.
Sleep is important because it gives your brain a chance to rest and repair itself. When you’re well rested, you’ll be able to think more clearly and be more productive.
Exercise is also important for cognitive function. It increases blood flow to the brain, which helps to nourish and protect brain cells.
Lastly, eating healthy foods helps to provide the nutrients your brain needs to function at its best.
These simple things will help you boost your brain power and improve your overall physical and mental health.
#5. Play Challenging Brain Games.
If you are reading this post, then you are probably using the internet, which means you have access to a world of brain-boosting games and puzzles.
Games that challenge your memory, problem-solving skills, and logic can help to improve your cognitive function.
All you have to do is to install some apps or go online and start playing.
You can do this for just a few minutes a day, and you will start to see the benefits in no time.
#4. Manage Your Stress Levels.
It’s no secret that stress can have a negative impact on your health. But did you know that it can also affect your cognitive abilities?
Studies have shown that chronic stress can lead to memory problems, difficulty concentrating, and a general decline in cognitive function.
And while it may be impossible to completely eliminate stress from your life, there are some things you can do to manage it in a way that minimizes its impact on your brain.
Exercise is a great way to counter the effects of stress, as it releases endorphins and helps to improve blood flow to the brain.
Taking time for yourself each day to relax and unplug from technology can also help reduce stress levels.
And if you find yourself struggling to cope with stress, don’t be afraid to seek professional help.
Managing your stress levels is an important part of maintaining a healthy mind and body.
#3. Try New Things.
Many people get stuck in a rut because they’re afraid to try new things. But the truth is, trying new things is one of the best ways to keep your mind sharp.
When you step out of your comfort zone and do something new, it forces your brain to adapt and learn.
This can help to improve your problem-solving skills, memory, and overall cognitive function.
So next time you’re feeling bored or uninspired, challenge yourself to try something new.
It could be anything from taking a different route to work to trying a new type of food.
No matter what it is, pushing yourself to step outside your comfort zone will help to keep your mind sharp and engaged.
#2. Learn a New Skill.
Researchers found that adults who learned a new language showed improved performance on tests of executive function, which includes skills like planning and problem-solving.
Other research has shown that people who take up musical instruments or engage in other forms of active learning also tend to score higher on measures of intelligence.
So if you’re looking for a way to boost your brainpower, learning a new skill is a great place to start.
Not only will you be expanding your horizons, but you’ll also be giving your brain a workout.
#1. Be Actively Observant.
Did you know that one of the best ways to become smarter is to simply be actively observant? It’s true!
By taking the time to notice the world around you and pay attention to details, you can give your brain a workout and increase your intelligence.
Not only that but being observant can also help you learn new things and remember information more effectively.
So next time you’re feeling curious about something, don’t just sit there passively letting your brain idle – get up and take a closer look!
You can easily make yourself smarter by simply being more observant.
Final Thoughts.
There you have it, 11 proven habits that make you smarter every day.
As you can see, all the mentioned habits are easy to follow and can be done by anyone. So if you’re looking for ways to increase your intelligence, start incorporating some of these habits into your daily routine.
You have to keep in mind that building a new habit, takes time and effort. In the beginning, it might be hard to stick to it, but if you persevere, soon it will become a part of your daily routine. And before you know it, you will start reaping the benefits of a sharper mind!
If you found this post helpful, do not hesitate to share it with others. You will never know how much it can help them. Let’s make the world a better place for everyone.
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