9 Texts Men Love From Women (How to Text Guys)

Do you want to know the are the 9 texts men love from women? Do you know to to text guys the right way?
Let me guess, you have a phone and you also have your heart set on a man and you want him to fall madly in love with you.
Every day, people fall in love, and while the ways in which they do so can vary greatly from person to person, it is undeniable that the way in which you connect with a man is essential.
Regardless of whether or not you enjoy texting, it is here to stay.
The way you text a man you like can have a significant impact on his feelings toward you. In the same way that his words have an effect on how you feel about him.
If you want to drastically cut down the time it takes to build a deeper bond with a man, then this post is for you, because we are going to reveal how to make a man fall in love over text and the 9 different types of text men love to receive from women that make them attracted to her.
Related posts: 12 Things You Should NEVER Say to a Guy, 14 Phrases That Make a Guy Instantly Fall For You
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9 Texts Men Love From Women
1. The Sassy Text.
A sassy text is the type of text that shows him that you are unique, adventurous, fun, and most importantly, confident.
Sassy texts are texts that show off your personality in a flirty way. They can be lighthearted and playful or serious and seductive.
You don’t just repeat the same old things everyone else is saying; offer up something unexpected about yourself. Men are attracted to women who can keep their interest.
Here’s an example of a sassy text message:
“I woke up early today but decided to get up and drive to the beach to watch the sunrise.”
This shows that you’re not like most people who just stay in bed. You’re also showing that you’re self-motivated and not afraid of taking risks. This has a natural seductive quality to it.
Texting a man like this is effective because it takes the pressure off him to feel as though he always has to take the lead and be creative. Because of this, he sees that you have the potential to improve his life. It makes you more interesting and captivating.
Make sure your messages aren’t misleading in any way. Don’t make up activities like skydiving to impress him when you’re not. Lies will eventually be exposed, and when they are, it will damage your relationship.
If you want to learn how men think and make them fall in love with you. We highly recommend this guide.
2. The Cute Text.
Cute texts are texts that make him feel good, appreciated, and loved. They let him know how much you care about him without being overbearing.
Put a smile on his face by sending him a cute little text about something you’re doing and he’s not there to share. Or send something sweet and funny to let him know you’re thinking about him even when you’re not together.
Men like attention. And while he might never admit it, he loves to know you’re thinking about him when you’re not together.
Here’s an example of a cute text you could send:
“I can’t stop smiling all day just thinking about you.” You can tweak this message to be about anything that makes you think of him.
It could be something he said, something you saw, or even a memory you shared together.
This kind of text tells him that he’s made an impression and that you’re still thinking about him, which encourages him. This kind of text goes straight to a man’s heart and ego without being too obviously flattering.
Just be careful not to flatter him too much. Think drip feeding, not mushy overfeeding. If you’re too grandiose about how amazing he is, he might think it’s strange and that you have unrealistic expectations.
Learn how to trigger a man’s hero instinct and make him yours. Click here.
3. Funny and Quirky Texts.
Funny and quirky texts are 2 of the 9 texts men love from women are texts that make him laugh, smile, and feel good. They let him know you have a great sense of humor and you’re not afraid to show it.
Make sure your texts are appropriate for the relationship stage you’re in. You don’t want to come across as desperate or needy if you’re not in a committed relationship yet.
Also, don’t be afraid to show your silly side. Men love women who can make them laugh. It’s one of the things they find most attractive.
Here’s an example of a funny and quirky text:
“I just heard that it’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.”
”Did you know chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying?”
Humor is hugely powerful for building a connection with a man. The way to anyone’s heart is through their funny bone.
4. The Give Me Advice Text.
Men love to share their expertise and feel needed. It’s in their nature to want to protect and provide for the women they care about.
One way to text a guy and make him fall in love with you is to ask for his help and advice. This text shows that you value his opinion and expertise.
It also lets him know you’re not afraid to ask for help, which is a quality most men find attractive in women.
Here’s an example of a give me advice text:
“I need your help! I’m trying to pick out a birthday present for my friend, and I can’t decide between two options. Which do you think she would like better?”
Or, “I need new headphones. Do you have any suggestions?”
Asking him for his opinion also lets him know that you trust and respect his judgment. This is a great way to make him feel good about himself and build a strong connection with him.
5. The Upfront Approach Text.
Men are bad at reading between the lines, so sometimes you just have to be upfront about what you want.
This text lets him know exactly what you want and how you feel, without beating around the bush. It’s a great way to get straight to the point without playing games.
Here’s an example of an upfront approach text:
“I like your way of thinking” or, “you are fun to be around.”
Being upfront shows that you’re confident and not afraid to express your feelings. Men fall quickly in love with women who are open and honest about their wants and needs.
6. The I’m Here For You Text.
This text is for when he’s going through a tough time or dealing with a problem. It lets him know that you care about him and that you’re there for him no matter what.
Here’s an example of an “I’m here for you” text:
“I’m here if you need to talk” or, “I’m thinking of you and I hope everything is okay.”
Sometimes all he needs is to know that someone cares. These texts will make him feel loved and appreciated, and they will go a long way towards building a strong connection with him.
It doesn’t really matter if you have known each other for a long time or if you just started dating. These texts will work like magic to make him fall for you and want to be with you more. So, don’t be afraid to use them.
7. The Goodnight Text.
At number 7 of the 9 texts men love from women we have the Goodnight text. It is the perfect text to end the day on a positive note and let him know you’re thinking of him.
It’s very simple and straightforward, but it will keep you in his subconscious all night long. It shows that you care about him and you’re thinking of him without being too clingy.
This doesn’t mean you have to text him good night every night. But, it’s a text you can use from time to time, especially if you haven’t seen each other in a while or he’s going through a tough time.
If you want to learn how men think on a biological level and make them fall for you. We highly recommend this guide.
8. The Flirty Text.
Everyone loves to flirt, and whether you like to be direct or a little coy, a flirty text is a great way to keep him interested. Keep it light-hearted and fun and always leave room for him to reply and have his turn to flirt back.
Guys love flirting just as much as women do. That’s a fact. The playful teasing shows him your fun and cheeky side and lets him know that you’re a woman who can handle herself. Like test driving a car, flirting lets him gauge the type of girl you are and leaves him wanting more. A pinch of innuendo, a dash of sexual chemistry, and a sprinkle of humour will have him hooked.
Texts like, “That shirt looks really good on you” or “You have great taste in music” are perfect examples of flirty texts that will let him know you’re interested without being too forward.
9. The Random Text.
The random texts are texts for no reason at all, other than to let him know you’re thinking of him. It could be something as simple as, “I saw a dog that looked like yours today” or, “I was doing something and laughed because it reminded me of you.”
It doesn’t have to be anything special or profound; it can be something silly or funny. The important thing is that it’s coming from you and it shows him that he’s on your mind.
Random texts are great for keeping him interested, and they’re also a great way to start a conversation. This is one of 9 texts men love from women.
Final Thoughts
It’s important to keep in mind that texts are a great way to show your interest, but they should never be the only form of communication between you and him. Texts are best used as a supplement to phone calls and in-person conversations.
Don’t bombard him with texts or constantly seek reassurance from him. That will only push him away. Instead, use these texts as a way to enhance your relationship and build a strong connection with him.
If you are struggling with understanding men, check out this guide. It will teach you everything about men and what makes them choose you over other women.
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