12 Things People Do When They’re Attracted to You (Psychology)

Have you ever been in a situation where you couldn’t tell if someone was attracted to you or not? Do you want to know the 12 things people do when they’re attracted to you?
It can be tough to read people, especially if they are good at hiding their feelings. However, the good news is that scientists have studied the behavior of people and come up with a list of 12 behaviors that are common in those who are attracted to someone.
Once you know what these 12 behaviors are, it will be easier for you to determine whether or not someone is interested in you. Knowing this information can help take your interactions with others to the next level.
So, how can you tell if someone is attracted to you? And what are the 12 things people do when they’re attracted to you? Here are some proven things to look for.
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What Are The 12 Things People Do When They’re Attracted To You?
12. They Are Hot and Cold.
When you’re trying to figure out whether or not someone is attracted to you, it can be helpful to look for mixed signals.
That is, they may act hot (interested and flirty) one minute and cold (distant and uninterested) the next.
While this can obviously be confusing, it’s actually a pretty common way for people to behave when they’re attracted to someone but don’t want to show it. After all, it’s easier to play it cool than to risk rejection.
So if you’re receiving mixed signals from someone, it may be a sign that they’re actually quite interested in you.
11. You Catch Them Looking at You.
When it comes to determining whether someone is attracted to you, eye contact is one of the most important cues to look for.
If someone regularly catches you looking at them and then quickly looks away, it’s a good sign that they’re attracted to you.
Similarly, if someone stares at you for an extended period of time, it’s also a sign that they find you attractive. Of course, it’s important to interpret these cues in the context of the situation.
For example, if you’re in a crowded room and someone accidentally makes eye contact with you, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re attracted to you.
However, if someone goes out of their way to make eye contact with you, it’s a pretty good indicator that they’re interested in you.
10. They Lean in When Talking to You.
Leaing in is another common way that people unconsciously show their interest.
When someone is attracted to you, they will often lean in when talking to you or when you’re talking to them. This is because they want to be closer to you and are trying to get a better look at you.
This is a subtle way of showing interest and is often done without the person even realizing it. So if you notice that someone is leaning in when they’re talking to you, it’s a good sign that they’re interested in you.
9. They Play with Their Hair and Clothes.
When you’re attracted to someone, your body automatically goes into “attraction mode.” This means that you start to display certain behaviors and body language cues that indicate your interest.
One of the most common attraction cues is hair touching. When we like someone, we tend to fidget with our hair or play with it absentmindedly.
This is because hair-touching is a way of self-comforting; it’s a way of soothing ourselves when we feel nervous or excited. Another common attraction cue is clothing adjustment.
This can be anything from smoothing down our clothes to straightening a collar or pulling at a sleeve. Again, this is a way of self-comforting; by adjusting our clothing, we’re trying to make ourselves look more presentable and polished.
8. They Mirror Your Body Language.
Did you know that when we’re attracted to someone, we tend to mirror their body language?
That is, we unconsciously copy their posture, their gestures, and the way they move. This is known as the “chameleon effect,” and it’s a way of showing that we’re interested in someone.
For many people, this behavior is so subconcious that they’re not even aware that they’re doing it. So if you notice that someone is mirroring your body language, it’s a good sign that they’re attracted to you.
7. Their Mood Changes Around You.
You know someone is attracted to you when their mood changes around you.
For example, if they seemed to be in a bad mood before they saw you, but then their mood changed and they started smiling and being more talkative, it’s likely that they’re attracted to you.
The scientific explanation for this is that when we’re attracted to someone, our brain releases dopamine, which is a feel-good chemical. This dopamine release can cause us to feel happy and upbeat in their presence.
6. Their Voice Changes When Talking to You.
The tone, pitch, and volume of someone’s voice can also change when they’re attracted to you.
For example, their voice might become softer or they might start to speak in a higher-pitched tone than usual. This is because when we’re attracted to someone, we want to come across as non-threatening and non-aggressive.
We also want to make sure that we have the person’s attention, so changing the pitch of our voice is one way to do that. This is one of the first 12 things people do when they’re attracted to you.
5. You See Them Often In Your Personal Space.
Have you ever noticed someone suddenly starting to show up a lot in your personal space?
It might be a coincidence at first, but if you notice that person making excuses to be near you or always being where you are, it’s probably because they’re attracted to you.
For example, if you work in an office and someone who normally keeps to themselves suddenly starts eating lunch at your desk every day, it’s likely that they’re interested in you.
Of course, there are many other reasons why someone might start spending more time around you, so it’s important to read the situation carefully before assuming anything.
But if you’re getting a good feeling from the person and they seem to be making a genuine effort to get closer to you, there’s a good chance they’re attracted to you.
4. You Get Compliments from Them.
There are two types of compliments: sincere and insincere. And usually, it’s not too hard to tell the difference between the two.
If someone pays you a compliment that seems genuine and heartfelt, it’s likely that they’re attracted to you. On the other hand, if someone pays you a compliment that seems superficial or forced, it might just be a way to try to impress you.
When someone is good at hiding their attraction, they might try to give you compliments as a way to make themselves seem more likeable.
So if you’re not sure whether someone is attracted to you or not, pay attention to the type of compliments they give you, because this is one of the 12 things people do when they’re attracted to you.
3. They Tell You Personal Details About Themselves.
This is one of the behaviors that people often do when they want to create a connection with someone.
When we’re attracted to someone, we tend to open up to them and share personal details about ourselves.
We might tell them things that we wouldn’t normally tell other people, or we might confide in them about things that are important to us.
This is because we want the person to know more about us and to feel closer to us.
Of course, there are some people who are just naturally more open than others.
So this behavior alone doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is attracted to you. But when you combine it with other behaviors on this list, it can be a good indicator that they are.
2. They Find Reasons to Touch You.
Did you know that light non-sexual touching is often a way that people signal their attraction to someone?
For example, they might brush your arm while they’re talking to you, or they might rest their hand on your shoulder.
This touching is often done in a non-threatening or non-invasive way, but it’s still enough to create a physical connection between two people.
Of course, not everyone is comfortable being touched by someone they don’t know well.
So if you’re not sure whether someone is attracted to you or not, pay attention to how they act around you.
1. Open Body-Language.
According to science, you can instantly tell if someone feels attracted to you based on their body language.
Those who are attracted to you will often have open and welcoming body language. This means that their arms and legs are uncrossed, and they’re facing towards you.
On the other hand, those who are not interested in you will often have closed or guarded body language. This means that their arms and legs are crossed, and they’re facing away from you.
Of course, there are many other factors that can affect someone’s body language. But if you combine this behavior with others on this list, it can be a good indicator of whether or not someone is attracted to you.
Final Thoughts.
As you can see, most of these 12 things people do when they’re attracted to you are things that you can observe about someone if you’re paying attention. And if you have noticed, more than 80% of these behaviors are non-verbal. This means that you can often tell if someone is attracted to you without them even saying anything.
That’s why it’s really important to pay attention to your own non-verbal cues as well. To make sure that you’re sending out the right signals to the people around you,
To help you achieve that, we have created a comprehensive positive body language checklist that you can get for free. Make sure to get it right now. Click here.
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