15 Things High Value People Do Differently in Dating

What are the things that high value people do differently in dating? Have you ever wondered why some people seem to find the perfect partner effortlessly, while others struggle to find anyone at all?
Is it because they are good-looking? Or because they have a lot of money? The answer is neither of those things. The difference is in their approach to dating.
According to experts, high-value individuals tend to look at dating differently than others. They have a different mindset and set of expectations when it comes to finding a partner, and this often leads to better and longer-lasting relationships.
Once you understand these 15 concepts, you can apply them to your own life and start having better relationships with the person you choose. So, make sure to give this post your undivided attention.
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What Are The Things That High Value People Do Differently In Dating?
15. They Value Themselves.
This is something many people struggle with. They do not understand their own worth and they settle for less than they deserve. This is a huge mistake because it leads to toxic relationships and a lot of unnecessary drama.
High-value individuals, on the other hand, know their worth. They are confident and they refuse to settle for anything less than they deserve.
For example, they will not stay in a relationship that is not fulfilling their needs, even if it means being single for a while.
14. They Never Pretend to Be Someone They’re Not.
In a world where everyone is trying to put their best foot forward, it can be tempting to pretend to be someone you’re not. This is one of the things high value people do differently in dating.
Maybe you’re not as successful as you want to be, or you’re not as tall as you would like to be, or you have some other insecurity that you’re trying to hide.
The problem with this is that it’s not sustainable. Eventually, the truth will come out, and you will have to face your insecurities.
High-value Individuals are always honest about who they are. They do not try to hide their flaws, because they know that everyone has them. And they also know that the right person will love them for who they are.
13. They Don’t Desperately Seek Reassurance.
Insecure people are always seeking reassurance from others. They need constant validation that they are good enough, loveable, and worthy of attention.
This can be exhausting for the people around them, and it often leads to codependent relationships.
High-value individuals, on the other hand, are secure in themselves. They do not need others to constantly tell them that they are doing a good job or that they are attractive. They know it, and they don’t need anyone else to confirm it for them.
This is one of the biggest things that high value people do differently in dating.
12. They Are Selective.
Another quality trait of high-value individuals is that they are selective. They do not just date anyone who comes along.
They take the time to get to know someone and to make sure that they are a good fit for them. They want to be sure that they share the same values and that they have a connection before they get serious.
This does not mean that they are picky or that they have unrealistic standards. They just want to be sure that they are entering into a relationship with someone who is worth their time and energy.
11. They Don’t Play Games.
Whether it’s to trick someone or even to impress someone, playing games is something that a lot of people do in dating.
But high-value individuals know that games are a waste of time. They would rather be upfront and honest from the beginning.
They know that the sooner you can get to know someone’s true character, the better. And they would rather have a real and meaningful connection than a superficial one.
This is one of the things that high value people do differently in dating.
10. They Have High Standards and Expectations.
There’s a difference between having high standards and being picky. People who have high standards know what they want in a partner and they are not willing to settle for anything less.
They expect their partners to be honest, loyal, and respectful. They want someone who is going to add value to their lives and make them a better person.
High-value people also have high standards for themselves. They want to be the best they can be, and they expect their partners to encourage and support them in this.
9. They Don’t Settle for Less Than What They Deserve.
This is related to self worth and having high standards, but it’s worth mentioning separately.
When it comes to relationships, many people tend to settle for less than they deserve. They stay in unhappy and unhealthy relationships because they are afraid of being alone. And this mindset often leads to them being taken advantage of.
High-value individuals, on the other hand, know their worth. They refuse to settle for anything less than they deserve. And they are willing to be alone until they find a partner who meets their standards.
8. They Communicate Openly and Assertively.
Bottling up your feelings never leads to anything good. When you don’t communicate openly and assertively, it can lead to resentment, misunderstandings, and conflict.
High-value individuals know the importance of communication in a relationship. They are not afraid to express their needs and wants. And they are good at handling conflict in a constructive and positive way.
In a study of over 1,000 couples, researcher John Gottman found that the number one predictor of divorce was not fighting or even the amount of time spent fighting. It was stonewalling, or the refusal to communicate.
7. They Don’t Take Things Personally.
When things go wrong in a relationship, it’s easy to blame your partner and to take things personally. But high-value people know that this is not productive.
They understand that things happen and that people make mistakes. And they don’t hold grudges or dwell on negative things. Instead, they focus on the positive and they work to find solutions.
6. They Don’t Try to Control the Outcome.
One of the things high-value people do differently in dating is that they don’t try to control the outcome. They know that the best way to find love is to let things happen naturally. They don’t try to force things or make things happen before they’re ready. Instead, they flow with the process and go with the flow.
For example, if you are at the starting stages of dating someone new, you should not try to control how things are going to progress.
Just enjoy the moment and see where things go. Don’t try to plan out every little detail or force anything to happen. Just let things progress at their own natural pace.
5. They Trust Their Instincts.
We all have a gift of intuition, but many of us don’t trust it. We second-guess ourselves and we allow our minds to talk us out of things.
High-value individuals trust their instincts and they go with their gut feelings. They know that their intuition is often more accurate than their rational mind.
If you’re not sure about something, trust your gut and go with your intuition. You’ll often find that you’re right.
4. They Have a Positive Attitude Towards Dating.
Are you someone who dreads going on dates? Or are you someone who sees dating as an exciting adventure? Your attitude towards dating can make a big difference in your success.
High-value people have a positive attitude towards dating. They see it as an opportunity to meet new people and to have fun. They don’t take things too seriously and they don’t put all their hopes and expectations on one person.
Instead, they approach dating with a positive outlook and they enjoy the process.
3. They Don’t Hold on to the Past.
People who try to get over their ex by dating someone new often fail. That’s because they are still holding on to the past and they are comparing their new partner to their old one.
This is not something high-value individuals do. They know that the past is in the past and they don’t hold on to it. Instead, they focus on the present and they give their new partner a clean slate.
If you want to move on from your past and find a healthy, happy relationship, you need to let go of the baggage and start fresh.
2. They Know Exactly What They Want.
Is it a long-term relationship? marriage? kids? Or are you just looking for something casual? Knowing exactly what you want is an important part of dating.
If you’re not sure what you want, you will likely end up dating people who are wrong for you. But if you know what you want, you can make better choices in who you date and how things progress.
For example, when you know you want a long-term relationship, you can date accordingly. You don’t waste your time with people who are only looking for something casual.
1. They Are Willing to Walk Away.
For most people, the idea of walking away from a relationship is unthinkable. They will do whatever it takes to make things work, even if it means sacrificing their own happiness.
High value people do things differently. They first try to make things work, but if it’s not meant to be, they are willing to walk away. They know that a relationship is only worth fighting for if it’s healthy and if it makes them happy.
If you’re in a relationship that isn’t working, don’t be afraid to walk away. It takes a lot of courage to do so, but it might be the best thing for you in the long run.
Final Thoughts.
There you have it. Believe it or not these 15 simple things can make a big difference in your dating success.
If you want to find lasting love, start by changing your approach to dating. Adopt a high-value mindset and see how things change for you.
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