13 Proven Signs Someone Has a Secret Crush On You

Do you want to know how to tell if someone has a secret crush on you?
According to psychology, many people may try to play coy and hide their feelings just to avoid any sort of awkwardness or rejection.
However, there are certain signs that can be giveaways that the person secretly likes you even if they are good at hiding their true feelings.
So, If you’re interested in someone, it’s important to watch out for these signals so you can determine whether or not the feeling is mutual. By knowing what to look for, you can avoid potentially embarrassing situations and take things at your own pace.
Here are the 13 proven signs that indicate someone has a secret crush on you.
What Are The Signs That Show Someone Has a Secret Crush On You?
#13. They Look at You a Lot.
Have you ever noticed someone staring at you only to look away as soon as you meet their gaze?
If so, there’s a chance that they may have a secret crush on you. This behavior is known as the “secret crush effect,” and it occurs because the person is feeling nervous and self-conscious around the object of their affection.
As a result, they tend to avoid making eye contact, which can be interpreted as a sign of attraction.
Of course, other factors such as shyness or anxiety can also contribute to this behaviour, so it’s important to take into account the person’s overall body language and demeanour before making any assumptions.
#12. Acting Uninterested.
Did you know that acting uninterested doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is actually uninterested?
It’s common for people to show disinterest in order to hide their true feelings. This is a very common defense mechanism that can make it difficult to determine whether or not someone actually likes you.
However, a rule of thumb is that if you notice that they are hot and cold with you, it’s usually a sign that they are interested but don’t want to show it for fear of rejection, embarrassment, or any other reason.
#11. They Use Social Media To Stalk You.
According to a recent study, people who have secret crushes on others are more likely to stalk them on social media.
The study found that people who tended to be more obsessive and prone to jealousy were more likely to engage in this behaviour.
The study also found that people who had a crush on someone were more likely to stalk them if they felt that the person was unattainable or out of their league.
So, if you have been noticing that someone s constantly liking your posts or checking up on your social media activity, like being the first to see your Instagram stories, or replying to your posts, it could be a sign that they have a secret crush on you.
#10. They Defend You.
Have you ever had someone suddenly start defending you, even though you didn’t need or ask for help? If so, there’s a chance that person may have a secret crush on you.
According to psychology, people who are attracted to others often feel protective of them and can’t bear to see them hurt in any way.
That’s why, if someone has a secret crush on you, they may jump at the chance to defend you if they see you being mistreated.
Some of you might say, “Well, anyone would do that for a friend.” But the key difference here is that people with secret crushes often go above and beyond what’s necessary to defend the object of their affection because they see the situation as a way to make themselves look good.
#9. They Try to Impress You.
When we like someone, we naturally want to impress them. If someone is constantly trying to show off or make themselves look good in front of you, it’s a pretty good indicator that they have a secret crush on you.
This behavior stems from the desire to be seen in a positive light and to be liked and accepted by the object of their affection.
For example, they may try their best to make you laugh, to look good in front of you, or to come across as smart and successful.
Of course, this isn’t always the case, as some people may simply be trying to impress you because they want to be your friend. But if you notice that someone is going out of their way to try and make a good impression, it’s worth considering that they may have deeper feelings for you.
#8. Open Body Language.
Open body language is a clear sign that someone is interested in you.
When someone has a secret crush on you, they will often stand or sit with their body turned toward you, making eye contact and smiling.
This is a subconscious way of showing that they are attracted to you and want to get to know you better.
In contrast, someone who is not interested in you will often have their body turned away from you or crossed away from you. They may also avoid making eye contact with you or seem distracted when you’re talking to them.
#7. They Tell You Secrets.
Telling someone secrets is a way of building trust and intimacy.
If someone has a secret crush on you, they may be more likely to confide in you and tell you things that they wouldn’t normally share with others.
This is because they want to build a closer relationship with you and feel that they can trust you with personal information.
This is one of the biggest indicators that someone is attracted to you, because sharing personal secrets is a big deal and not something that people do lightly.
#6. They Give You Indirect Compliments.
Indirect compliments are the best kind. They make you feel good without the person having to say anything directly.
If someone has a secret crush on you, they may compliment you indirectly by saying something like, “My friend was just talking about how funny you are,” or “I like your sense of style.”
This is a way of showing that they are interested in you without making it too obvious.
This is one of the most common ways to show interest in someone without coming on too strong.
#5. They Seek Your Advice.
According to psychology, this is actually fairly common behavior for people with secret crushes.
When we are attracted to someone, we tend to see them as being more intelligent and insightful than they may actually be. As a result, we often turn to them for guidance and advice.
Not only does this give us an opportunity to spend more time with them, but it also allows us to learn more about them and get a better sense of their personality.
This means that if you notice someone constantly asking for your advice, it could be a sign that they have a secret crush on you.
#4. They Find Excuses To Touch You.
From a scientific standpoint, this is known as the “touch barrier.”
When we like someone, we often find excuses to touch them, even if it’s just a light brush on the arm, hand, or shoulder.
This is because touch releases a hormone called oxytocin, which helps to create feelings of bonding and attachment.
This hormone is also released during physical contact, which is why we often feel more connected to our partner after physical intimacy.
So, when someone “accidentally” touches you or finds excuses to touch you, it could be a sign that they are attracted to you and want to create a closer bond.
#3. They Become Awkward When You’re Around.
We’ve all been there before. You’re talking to someone you like and suddenly, they start acting weird. They become fidgety, their voices get higher pitched, and they can’t seem to look you in the eye.
While it’s normal to get nervous around someone you’re attracted to, if this person is usually confident and composed, it could be a sign that they have a secret crush on you.
Their sudden bout of nerves is likely due to the fact that they’re worried about making a good impression and don’t want to say or do anything that would turn you off.
This behaviour is a result of the “fight or flight” response, which is activated when we feel threatened or are in danger.
In this case, the person sees you as a threat to their ego, so their brain is telling them to either flee the situation or stay and fight for your attention.
#2. They Remember the Little Things.
This is a big one. If someone has a secret crush on you, they will definitely pay attention to the little things that you say and do.
They will remember your likes and dislikes, the foods you don’t like, and the TV shows you watch. They might even remember things that you mentioned in passing, like that time you said you wanted to learn to play the guitar.
They do this because they want to get to know you better and find ways to connect with you on a deeper level.
And, of course, they also use this information to impress you by doing things that they know you’ll like or by bringing up topics that they know you’re interested in.
#1. They Find Excuses To See You.
It doesn’t matter how busy they are, if someone has a secret crush on you, they will find a way to see you.
Whether it’s stopping by your desk at work, “accidentally” bumping into you in the hallway, or asking you to meet them for coffee, they will go out of their way to create opportunities to spend time with you.
And, if they can’t find a way to see you in person, they will likely find excuses to contact you online or over the phone.
Final Thoughts.
There you have it, 13 proven signs that someone has a secret crush on you. The next time you’re wondering if someone likes you, pay attention to the mentioned points in this post, and if you find at least 6 of them to be true, then it’s very likely that this person secretly has a crush on you.
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