12 Relationship Red Flags In Someone You Should NEVER Ignore

Do you want to know the 12 relationship red flags in someone that you should never ignore?
Imagine this: you’re dating someone and you think things are going great, but then you start to notice some red flags.
At first, you brush them off, thinking they’re no big deal. But then, as time goes on, you realize that these red flags are actually indicative of much bigger problems.
Unless you are an expert mind reader, it can be hard to know what someone is thinking or feeling all the time. However, according to psychology, there are 12 relationship signs or “red flags” in someone that you should never ignore.
By knowing what to look for, you can avoid getting into a bad situation with someone who is not right for you.
So make sure to pay close attention to the information in this post and save yourself the heartache later on!
What Are The Relationship Red Flags In Someone That You Should Never Ignore?
#12. They Are Hot and Cold.
This behaviour can take many forms, but the general idea is that one minute they are all over you and the next they are distant and cold.
For example, you notice that they only call or text you when they need something from you, but when you try to reach out to them, they are nowhere to be found.
Or, they make grandiose gestures early on in the relationship, but then as time goes on, their behaviour changes and they become more distant.
This kind of hot and cold behaviour is a huge red flag because it indicates that they are not interested in having a real, genuine connection with you.
#11. You Don’t Agree on Fundamental Things.
People can have different opinions on a lot of things, and that’s perfectly normal.
However, if you find that you and your partner don’t agree on fundamental things, it could be a sign that the relationship is not right for you.
For example, if you are a vegan and your partner is not, that might not be a big deal to you.
But if you are looking for a long-term relationship and your partner doesn’t believe in monogamy, that could be a dealbreaker for you.
This can also include things like religion, politics, and lifestyle choices.
#10. You Are an Option, Not a Priority.
Are they always busy when you try to make plans? Do they cancel on you last minute?
If so, it might be because you are not a priority in their life.
Of course, everyone is busy and sometimes things come up, but if this is a regular occurrence, it can be a sign that you are not as important to them as you thought.
According to human psychology, we tend to make time for the things and people that are most important to us.
So, if your partner is always too busy for you, it might be a sign that you are not as high on their list of priorities as you thought.
#9. They Are Inconsistent.
This can manifest in several ways, but usually involves a mismatch between what they say and what they do.
For example, they might say one thing and then do something that contradicts it.
Or, they might make promises and then not follow through on them. This inconsistency can be very confusing and frustrating, and it can be a sign that the person is not being honest with you or themselves.
If you notice this kind of behaviour, it’s important to have a frank discussion with the person about it.
Otherwise, you risk getting caught up in a relationship that is built on false pretences.
#8. You Feel Like You’re Walking on Eggshells.
This is one of the most common and damaging red flags in a relationship.
If you feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells around that person, it means that you are afraid of their reaction if you do or say something that they don’t like.
This can be a sign of emotional abuse and it’s definitely not healthy or normal.
If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to reach out to a friend or family member for support.
And if the situation is really bad, you might even need to seek professional help or even leave the relationship.
#7. Your Relationship Is All About Them.
In a healthy relationship, both partners should feel like they are being heard and valued.
However, if you find that all the focus is on your partner and their needs and wants, it might be a sign that something is wrong.
Of course, it’s important to be considerate of your partner’s needs and to make them feel loved and valued.
But if you feel like you are always the one giving and your partner is always the one taking, it’s time to have a conversation about it.
To maintain a healthy relationship, both partners need to feel like they are being seen and heard.
#6. They Are Controlling or Aggressive.
Ask yourself, does your partner try to control what you do or who you see? Are they ever aggressive with you, either verbally or physically?
If so, it’s a huge red flag.
No one deserves to be in a relationship with someone who is controlling or too aggressive.
For example, if they tell you what to wear or who to spend time with, that’s a form of control.
If they try to stop you from seeing your close friends or family, that’s also a form of control.
And if they ever hit you, shove you, or otherwise physically hurt you, that’s definitely a sign that you should get out of that relationship as soon as possible.
No one deserves to be in a relationship with someone who mistreats them.
#5. They Blame Others for Their Problems.
When someone is always quick to blame others for their problems, it’s a sign that they are not taking responsibility for their own life.
For example, if your partner is always getting fired from jobs, do they blame their boss or the company?
Do they say it’s because they were treated unfairly or because the job was too hard?
Or, if they are always getting into arguments with friends, do they say it’s because their friends are too sensitive or because they just can’t help it?
If so, it might be a sign that your partner is not taking responsibility for their own actions, and this can be very damaging to a relationship.
This behaviour can also be a sign of other underlying issues, such as substance abuse or mental health problems.
#4. They Are Manipulative.
According to research, manipulation is one of the most common red flags in a relationship.
Manipulative people often use tactics such as guilt, blame, or fear to control their partners.
For example, they might say things like, “If you really loved me, you would do this for me” or “I can’t believe you would even think about leaving me.”
These statements are designed to make you feel guilty or like you’re not doing enough so that they can get what they want.
This behaviour can be hard to spot at first, but if you find yourself constantly feeling like you’re being controlled or manipulated, it’s time to wake up and save yourself from that person.
#3. You’re Not Yourself With Them.
In the early stages of a relationship, it’s normal to feel a bit nervous or shy around your partner.
But as the relationship progresses, you should start to feel more comfortable around them and be able to be yourself.
If you find that you’re constantly putting on an act or pretending to be someone you’re not, it might be time to take a step back.
What’s the purpose of being in a relationship if you can’t be yourself?
If you’re constantly having to put up a front, it’s likely that your partner is not really seeing the real you and this can lead to problems down the line.
This is one of the biggest relationship red flags in someone you should never ignore.
#2. Lack of Support and Trust.
Do you feel like you can’t fully trust them or that they are not supportive of you?
These are both major relationship red flags. If you can’t trust your partner, it’s going to be very difficult to have a healthy, happy relationship with them.
And if they’re not supportive of you, it’s going to be hard for you to feel good about yourself and the relationship.
Being independent is one thing, but if your partner is always putting you down or making you feel like you’re not good enough, it’s time to move on.
#1. Too Much Nagging and Criticism.
There’s a big difference between healthy constructive criticism and destructive nagging.
If your partner is always pointing out your faults and what you’re doing wrong, it’s likely that they are not really trying to help you improve, but rather just want to control you.
This behaviour can be very damaging to your self-esteem and make you feel like you’re not good enough for them.
For example, when you do ten good things and one bad thing, do they focus on the bad thing and ignore all the good things you did?
Do they always criticize you in front of other people?
If so, this is a sign you should never ignore.
Final Thoughts.
There you have it, 12 relationship red flags in someone you should never ignore. Before ending this post, here are 3 important things to keep in mind.
One. These relationship red flags are just a general guide, do not take them as hard and fast rules.
Two. Some of these relationship red flags might not be a big deal to you, while for others they might be deal breakers.
It all depends on your individual situation and what you’re looking for in a relationship.
And three, if you’re not sure whether something is a red flag or not, talk to your friends and family or seek professional help and get their opinion. It can be hard for you to see things clearly when you’re in the middle of a relationship and have feelings for that person.
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