How To Make Him Choose You Over Another Girl In 10 Simple Steps

Do you want the guy you like to choose you over any other girl?
It’s definitely possible, but it takes a bit of work. By learning how men think and what they want, you can put yourself in a much better position to make him want to be with you instead of anyone else.
By following the 10 steps that we are going to show you, you can make sure that he sees you as the special one that he wants to be with. You will make him see how much better of a choice you are than anyone else. So make sure to read this post all the way though with your undivided attention and take notes if necessary.
Related post: 14 Phrases That Make a Guy Instantly Fall For You
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How To Make Him Choose You Over Another Girl?
Step 1. Don’t Be Desperate for His Attention.
Studies have shown that men are more attracted to women who don’t seem desperate for their attention. This simply means that you have to act like you don’t care whether he pays attention to you or not.
You have to be the one who is indifferent about whether he notices you or not. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore him completely, but don’t go out of your way to get his attention.
For example, if you are always the one texting first, planning dates, or being the one who is always available, he will start to take you for granted. This is a huge mistake that a lot of women make. They think that the more available they are, the more likely a guy is to want to be with them. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Step 2. Demonstrate Your Compatibility.
In every relationship, there has to be a certain level of compatibility. This is especially important if you want him to choose you over another girl.
You need to make sure that you are compatible with him in terms of your values and beliefs. If you can find common ground with him and show him that you have a lot in common, he will be much more likely to want to be with you.
It’s important to keep step one in mind while you’re doing this, though. You don’t want to come across as desperate or clingy when you talk to him. Just let him see that you have a lot in common and let him conclude on his own that you would make a great partner.
Step 3. Be a Challenge For Him.
This is a big one. Men love challenges. They are attracted to women who are a challenge and who keep them on their toes. If you can be a challenge for him, he will be much more likely to want to be with you instead of any other girl.
One way to do this is to play hard to get. Don’t always respond right away to his texts or calls. Make him work a little bit for your attention. This will make him see you as a challenge, and he will be much more attracted to you as a result.
Another way to be a challenge is to have your own life outside of his. Don’t make him the center of your universe. Show him that you have a life outside of him and that you don’t need him to be happy. This will make him see you as a strong and independent woman who is worth his time and attention.
Step 4. Make Him Feel Connected to You.
To build a connection with someone, there are three main things that you need to do.
The first is to share something personal with him. This could be a story from your past or something that is going on in your life right now. This will make him feel closer to you and he will start to see you as someone that he can trust.
The second thing you need to do is to find out what he is interested in and talk to him about those things. This will show him that you are interested in him in an indirect way and that you care about the things that he cares about.
The third thing is to show that you are nonjudgmental. This means that you are open-minded and that you are willing to accept him for who he is. This is one of the most important things in any relationship and will deepen the connection that you have with him.
Step 5. Be fun and playful.
One of the most appealing qualities to men is a woman who can have fun and enjoy life. If you are constantly serious, nagging, or complaining, it’s no wonder he’d rather be around someone else.
Instead, try to focus on the positive and let your playful side shine through. This doesn’t mean you have to be a clown 24/7, but injecting some humor into your interactions will go a long way.
Having a balance of seriousness and playfulness will keep him engaged and wanting more of you.
Step 6. Have Self-Confidence and Security.
One of the biggest turn-offs for men is a woman who is not confident in herself. If you are constantly second-guessing yourself or putting yourself down, it’s no wonder he’s losing interest.
Instead, focus on building up your own confidence. This doesn’t mean that you have to be arrogant or think that you’re better than everyone else. It just means that you need to have faith in yourself and your own abilities.
When you are confident in yourself, it will show through in your interactions with him. He will be able to sense it and it will make him more attracted to you. This is the best way to make him see you as the only woman he wants to be with.
Step 7. Make Him Jealous In a Good Way.
If you combine this step with the one before, you will create a lethal attraction combination.
Making him jealous in a good way simply means showing him that other guys are interested in you. This doesn’t mean that you need to flirt with other guys or go out of your way to make him see you talking to them.
You can do this simply by paying attention to your own appearance and making sure that you look your best when you are around him. He will start to see that other guys are checking you out, and he will feel the need to step up his game in order to keep your attention.
Men are competitors by nature, and this will trigger their natural desire to want to win you over.
Step 8. Boost His Ego But Don’t Overdo It.
Men have fragile egos, and they need to be constantly reassured that they are doing a good job. This is why compliments will always go a long way with them.
However, you need to be careful not to overdo it. If you lay it on too thick, he will see right through it and it will have the opposite effect.
Instead, focus on giving him genuine compliments that are specific and honest. This will show him that you are truly interested in him and that you appreciate the things he does.
When someone recognizes our good qualities, it naturally boosts our confidence and makes us feel good about ourselves. This is why this step is so important if you want to make him see you as the only woman he wants to be with.
Step 9. Show Your Independence.
Having your own life and being independent is one of the most attractive qualities that you can have. Men want to be with a woman who is not clingy and doesn’t need them to take care of her.
Instead, focus on building your own life and doing things that make you happy. This will show him that you are a strong and confident woman who is capable of taking care of herself. It will also give you more to talk about and make you more interesting to him.
Step 10. Don’t Be Afraid to Walk Away.
It’s normal to want to hold onto something that we feel is slipping away. However, sometimes the best thing you can do is walk away, or at least have the option to walk away.
For example, if he starts to take you for granted or treat you in a way that you don’t deserve, don’t be afraid to walk away. This will show him that you are not going to put up with his bad behavior and it will make him realize that he could lose you if he doesn’t change his ways.
Making him realize what he’s losing will often be enough to get him to change his ways and start treating you the way you deserve. No one should ever have to put up with being treated poorly, and if he can’t see that, then it’s time to move on.
Final Thoughts.
Even though these 10 steps are psychologically proven and effective, you shouldn’t use them all at once or he might get suspicious. As you probably have noticed, many of these steps focus on you and not him, and that’s intentional.
If you want him to see you as the only woman he wants to be with, then you need to focus on becoming the best version of yourself. When you do that, everything else will fall into place, and he won’t be able to resist being with you.
And if he chooses another girl over you, then he wasn’t worth your time and effort in the first place. You deserve someone who sees how amazing you are and is willing to do whatever it takes to be with you. So don’t settle for anything less than that.
If you think understanding men is hard, then you should definitely learn how to trigger their hero instinct.
It’s a powerful psychology guide that will teach you exactly how to make a man fall in love with you using reverse male psychology. Click here to watch the guide.
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