How to Keep Him ALWAYS Interested In You

Have you ever wondered how to keep those early days of love and excitement with a man forever? Is it possible to keep him always hooked on you? Do you want to learn how to keep him always interested?
If you feel like the routine is getting the best out of the man you once knew, and there are fewer emotional moments full of love every day, you could be at the beginning of the end; once love becomes a routine, the relationship starts to die.
That’s why in this post, we will show you ten ways to keep him ALWAYS interested in you. Once you learn these tips, his attraction to you will never fade away. So, make sure to read this post all the way through to not miss anything. Here’s how to keep him always interested in you.
How to Keep Him Always Interested In You?
Number 10. Keep Him Captivated.
A good dose of self-esteem could work wonders to keep your man hooked and make him feel like he is on top of the world with you.
Without confidence, your self-esteem begins to crumble, and you lose interest in the things that make you who you are.
And those particular traits in your personality are the things that made him fall in love in the first place.
So the more you can bring your best self into the relationship, the easier it is to make a long-lasting love between you and him.
High self-confidence and high self-esteem influence romantic relationships positively.
That high self-esteem and confidence will inevitably reflect on your everyday interactions and could take your relationship to deeper levels.
The routine can’t mess up a relationship, and a man that lives thankful for having a woman like you at his side is a man that will want to stay there for a long time.
Number 9. Keep Your Space.
Feeling bored after having the same dish is part of human nature, but wait; there is no need to experiment.
This solution is only for you and him; the answer is learning the art of absence.
If you are too clingy and needy, he can grow tired of it over time, especially in a world that asks you to take care of many responsibilities simultaneously. So be his escape route, not another responsibility to oblige to.
The last thing a man wants is to lose his natural magnet towards you and start to feel obliged to reply to every message, being with you 24/7; while a presence like that can be romantic, it can also suffocate.
So, to keep a man hooked on you, there is no need to spend most of the day together; if you give him enough space, he will miss you, and once you guys meet again, both will discuss many new experiences.
And new emotions that feel way more valued after each other’s absence.
Number 8. Make Him Feel Loved.
This one should be obvious but it’s overlooked. This is an effective way on how to keep him always interested in you.
We are in 2022, and there is still an urgent need to clarify this point.
You would be surprised at how many couples don’t feel loved and how many men out there feel like they are living with their moms or boss.
Living with a woman that only shouts orders at them and tells them everything they do wrong is an easy way to kill the relationship.
When a man opens his heart to you, it makes them vulnerable. And when they choose you to be their partner, you get unlimited access to the deepest place where he holds his feelings; if you use that getaway to make him feel less, then it will only hurt him.
Use that key to praise him now and then; this compelling little detail can go a long way to keeping him next to you.
Number 7. Make it Easy.
This is one of the effective ways on how to keep him always interested in you.
Life already has a lot of responsibilities, tasks, and everyday problems to deal with; the last thing your couple needs is another problem, so make his life easier.
As you grow older and the relationship evolves, it gets harder and harder to sustain a healthy relationship while balancing many responsibilities.
The art of balancing work issues, family problems, and health complications can be hard on both.
But when you keep a light, fun, and playful attitude, you will become an oasis where your man can breathe. He will feel at home with you since he knows that once you are around, it’s time for him to feel at peace.
A study from Leiden University in the Netherlands revealed how the heart rate synchronizes when you feel connected with your partner.
So, according to that study, what better way to live in peace than by transmitting a calm and loving heart rate to the one you love the most?
Number 6. Keep Flirting With Him.
This may be one of the most crucial ways to keep him interested in you and the passion on fire; never stop flirting with him, no matter how many days, months, or years have passed since that first kiss.
Keep your man on his toes, and he will feel the rush of love whenever you lay your seductive eyes on him.
The relationship is not over when you return from the honeymoon; it’s only getting started, no matter what the routine says.
The fire is always there, and you only need a few sparks.
Going back to the honeymoon phase is one of the best decisions to keep the passion going and your man near home.
Number 5. Never Ever Play Hard to Get.
The first stages of a relationship can be fascinating, and there is a lot of seduction involved; playing hard to get can be a good idea for certain types of men and a short while, but if you keep playing games even after the first stage.
He would feel frustrated and lost. Two feelings you don’t want in a fresh start.
The safer you make him feel, the longer you will be together, so play hard to get and keep those defenses high is the best way to send the wrong message.
Sending confusing signals is not a healthy way to relate to your lover, and your other half needs to fit perfectly into your life. Once you let that man in, he could make you feel at home if you let your guard down and don’t send the mixed signals of volatile love.
Number 4. Keep Him On A Healthy Path.
Relationships can be as toxic as the people in them, and if you hold a lot of baggage from previous experiences, it could add weight to a new love; a heavy backpack will complicate things.
Past trauma can be tough to heal and bring your love for that remarkable man to a dark place, but it is a brave choice when you choose to heal. This is an effective way on how to keep him always interested in you.
Healing will feel like a breakthrough in communicating with the man of your life and will help you make everything easier for you. If you decide to let go of past trauma, the journey toward a healthier mind will be at your own pace, and you won’t need to do it alone.
Number 3. Keep Him Guessing.
It’s always a good idea to keep a little mystery and never reveal too much; getting to know each other is slow-paced.
And you can let his imagination run a little, even if you are in a long-term relationship.
You don’t need to tell him every tiny detail of his life; some men won’t even remember them, and that’s ok.
What’s important is a future together, and he would love to know about your plans and dreams; that would say a lot more about you than little details about your past ever will.
A couple is to connect with someone, and if you tell him every piece of information about you. You may find that one shared silence can speak more than a thousand words to click on a deeper level.
Number 2. Keep It Short.
When you are over the hills with that man in the beginning, there is a high chance that you both spend most of the time non-stop talking.
You exchange several long talks on the phone, WhatsApp, and thousands of messages weekly.
There is a high chance that emotions and feelings settle in, and you both won’t be as 24/7 as you used to be, but that’s OK.
A healthy change of pace, leaving him space and keeping it short, saving important and sweet moments for later, is essential to sharing meaningful and intimate moments without the need to be overly dependent on one another.
Number 1. Keep Him Flying.
One easy way to make him fly is to show interest in the things he loves to do. This is an effective way on how to keep him always interested.
That would allow a whole new dimension filled with experiences; the more he shares them with you, the more you will get to know him.
And he will feel appreciated and loved like nobody else can since, with you, somebody at his side cares enough to take the extra time to try out his passions.
He would feel appreciated and loved when you are willing to dive deep into his interests, even if, in the end, you don’t like them as much; the extra mile you went to show a healthy quota of interest in discovering his intimate world would mean the world to that man.
And it will bring up the curiosity spark to do the same for you; this could be the start of a new habit that will significantly make each other a stronger couple, and that small details will set you apart instantly.
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