How to Build a Great Character (Make People Value You More)

Do you wan to know how to build a great character and make everyone value you more?
Have you ever wondered why some people just seem to have it all while others always seem to be struggling?They build great relationships, have successful careers, and always seem to be happy and content. The answer is simple: they have developed great character.
But what exactly makes up a great character? According to science, there are 9 essential traits that will help you build a great character and make people always value you more.
So, what are these 9 essential traits? And how can you develop them? Make sure to read this post all the way through to find out.
The Definition of Character
Before we can talk about how to develop a great character, we need to first understand what the word “character” actually means and how characters are developed.
The definition of character, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is: “the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual”.
In other words, your character is what makes you unique as a person. It’s the combination of your thoughts, emotions, values, and behaviors that make you who you are.
And research has shown that people with good character are more likely to be successful in life. Simply because they have the ability to control themselves, they’re more adaptable, and people just trust them more.
According to science, characters are developed through a combination of nature and nurture.
Nature is the traits you’re born with and nurture is the environment you’re raised in.
That means that some of your character traits are predetermined by your genes and some are shaped by your experiences.
So, even if you weren’t born with the best character traits, you can still develop them by putting yourself in the right environment. Because nurture has a stronger influence on character than nature does,
With that said, let’s move on to the top 9 essential traits of great character.
How to Build a Great Character?
#9. You Have High Self-Control.
The first essential trait of great character is high self-control.
Self-control is the ability to control your thoughts, emotions, and behavior in order to achieve a goal. People who have a lot of self-control can resist temptation, stay focused on their goals, and keep going even when things get hard.
To test your self-control, think about the last time you had to resist temptation. Maybe you had to stay up late to finish a project even though you really wanted to watch just one more episode of your favourite TV show.
Or maybe you had a big argument with your partner or someone you know and you really wanted to say something hurtful back, but you didn’t.
If you were able to resist the temptation and control your thoughts, emotions, and behavior, then you have high self-control.
#8. You Stand Up For What You Believe In.
To build great character, you need to stand up for what you believe in.
This doesn’t mean that you should start arguments with people or get into physical fights. But it does mean that you should be assertive and speak up when you see something that’s not right.
For example, let’s say you’re at work and you see your boss being really unfair to one of your colleagues. Instead of just standing by and doing nothing, you speak up and tell your boss that what he’s doing is wrong.
Most people won’t do this because they’re afraid of conflict or they don’t want to make waves. But if you want to build great character, you need to be brave and stand up for what you believe in in a good way.
#7. You Forgive Yourself and Others.
To see if you have these traits, ask yourself the following questions: “Do I give myself a hard time when I make a mistake? Am I always trying to prove that I’m perfect? Do I hold grudges against people who have wronged me in the past? “
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to work on forgiving yourself and others.
Forgiving yourself means that you’re able to accept your mistakes and learn from them instead of beating yourself up over them.
And forgiving others means that you’re able to let go of anger and resentment towards people who have hurt you in the past. Holding onto these negative emotions will only make you unhappy and prevent you from moving on with your life.
#6. You Are Open To Change.
According to research, one of the biggest fears people have is the fear of change.
But if you want to build great character, you need to be open to change. Because the ability to adapt is one of the most important traits you can have.
Think about it this way: The world is constantly changing, and the only way to keep up is to be open to new things. You can look at change from a positive or negative perspective.
For example, let’s say you lose your job. You can either see this as a negative event that’s happening to you or you can see it as an opportunity to start fresh and find a new job that’s even better than the last one.
It’s all about how you choose to view the change. If you’re open to it, then you’re more likely to find opportunities and build great character.
#5. You Are Honest and Humble.
Most of us have heard the saying that “honesty is the best policy.”
But what does that really mean?
Being honest means that you’re truthful and you don’t try to deceive or mislead people. It also means that you’re authentic and don’t put on a façade to try to impress others.
Humble people are also honest. But they don’t think they’re better than everyone else. They’re able to see their own weaknesses and they’re always trying to improve themselves.
This is an essential trait to have if you want to build a great character. Because people who are honest and humble are always more respected and trusted by others.
#4. You Are Thankful For What You Have.
Showing gratitude is another essential trait that will help you build great character.
When you’re grateful for what you have, it means that you’re able to appreciate the good things in your life instead of taking them for granted.
It also means that you don’t constantly compare yourself to other people and feel like you’re not good enough because you don’t have what they have.
Instead, you focus on the things that you’re thankful for, and you’re able to see the positive in every situation. You also show appreciation for the people in your life who make a positive impact. And as a result, people are more likely to want to be around you and help you out.
#3. You Provide Value to Others.
Ask yourself these two questions: “Do I try to make a positive impact on the lives of others?” or “Do I do things just to get something in return?” “
If you answered yes to the first question and no to the second, then you’re on the right track. Because one of the most important traits that will help you build great character is being able to provide value to others without expecting anything in return.
This doesn’t mean that you should never ask for help from others. But it does mean that you shouldn’t only help people when you need something from them.
Helping others just because you want to make their lives better is a selfless act that will not only make them respect and appreciate you more, but will also make you feel good about yourself.
#2. You Have a Growth Mindset.
There are two common types of mindsets: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.
People with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities and traits are set in stone and can’t be changed. They also believe that some people are just born “smart” or “talented” and there’s nothing they can do to change that.
On the other hand, people with a growth mindset believe that their abilities can be developed over time with effort and practice. They also believe that everyone has the potential to be “smart” or “talented” if they put in the work.
Which mindset do you think is more helpful for building great character?
If you guessed the growth mindset, you’re right.
People with a growth mindset are always trying to improve themselves. They’re not afraid of challenges, and they’re always learning new things. They also believe that failure is just a stepping stone to success.
So if you want to build great character, it’s important to have a growth mindset.
#1. You Are Confident and Independent.
When you have your own life and you’re not dependent on others for your happiness, it shows that you’re a confident and independent person.
Confident people believe in themselves, and they’re not afraid to take risks. They’re also comfortable with who they are, and they don’t need the approval of others to feel good about themselves.
Independent people are able to take care of themselves and they’re not afraid to be alone. They’re also able to make their own decisions, and they don’t need others to tell them what to do.
Both confidence and independence are essential traits that will help you build great character. Because when you have these qualities, it shows that you’re strong and capable of taking care of yourself. It also shows that you’re not afraid to stand up for yourself and that you’re comfortable with who you are.
So, how many of these 9 traits do you currently have?
If you don’t have all of them, don’t worry. These are just some general guidelines to help you get started. The most important thing is that you’re always trying to improve yourself and become the best version of yourself that you can be.
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