14 Body Language Signs Someone Secretly Likes You

Do you want to learn how to tell if someone secretly likes you even if they are good at hiding their feelings? What are the body language signs that indicate someone secretly likes you?
While it can be hard to read someone’s mind, imagine being able to tell how they truly feel about you just by looking at their body language. Wouldn’t that be helpful?
According to body language experts, there are 14 proven body language cues that people give off when they are attracted to someone. And they do it without even realizing it!
Being able to read the body language of those around you can give you a huge advantage in social situations. It can help you build better relationships and understand people better.
So, what are these 14 signs, and how can you use them to your advantage? Make sure to read this post all the way through so you don’t miss anything.
What Are The Body Language Signs That Show Someone Secretly Likes You?
#14. They Walk Beside You.
Have you ever noticed someone walking exactly beside you, not in front or behind?
It might seem like an insignificant thing, but body language experts say that it’s actually one of the signs that someone secretly likes you.
When we walk with someone we’re attracted to, we tend to fall into step with them subconsciously. They might also do their best to match your pace.
So, next time you’re walking with someone, pay attention to how close they stand to you and whether or not they try to match your pace.
#13. They Take Extra Care of Their Appearance.
If you notice that someone goes out of their way to look their best when they are around you, it could be a sign that they are hoping to impress you.
For example, they may dress nicer than usual or make sure their hair is always in place.
If you catch someone making an effort to look good for you, it could be a sign that they have feelings for you.
#12. They Look Deep Into Your Eyes.
It’s proven that when we like someone, we tend to stare at them longer than usual. We also tend to look deeply into their eyes.
From a scientific standpoint, this is because we are trying to understand them better and figure out what they are thinking.
So, the next time you’re talking to someone, pay attention to how long they look into your eyes. The longer the stare, the more likely it is that they have feelings for you.
#11. They Lean In Toward You.
This is one of the attachment behaviors in psychology, and it’s called “proximity-seeking behavior.”
This is when a person intentionally tries to get closer to you, either by moving closer themselves or by finding excuses to establish a physical contact.
If someone is leaning in toward you while you’re talking, it’s a good sign that they’re interested in what you have to say.
It may also be a sign that they’re attracted to you and are trying to get closer to you physically.
Of course, it’s always possible that someone just has poor personal space boundaries and isn’t aware that they’re crowding you.
But if you notice someone consistently leaning in toward you, it’s worth considering that they may be interested in more than just conversation.
#10. They Keep Smiling When You Are Around.
Sudden and constant smiling is definitely one of the body language signs someone likes you.
It’s a way to show you that they’re happy to see you and that they enjoy your company.
If someone is constantly smiling at you, even when there’s nothing particularly funny going on, it’s a good sign that they like you.
#9. They Play With Their Hair or Clothes.
According to body language experts, self-touching is a way to soothe oneself when one feels nervous or stressed.
It’s also a way to draw attention to oneself and make sure that the person they’re interested in is looking at them.
This behaviour is often subconscious, so the person may not even be aware that they’re doing it.
If you see someone playing with their hair or clothes while they’re talking to you, it could be a sign that they’re attracted to you and feeling nervous.
#8. They Laugh at Your Jokes.
Have you ever noticed someone laughing at your jokes, even when they’re not particularly funny?
It’s possible that they’re just being polite. But it could also be a sign that they like you.
When we’re attracted to someone, we tend to find them funnier than they actually are.
So, if someone is laughing at your jokes, even when they’re not that funny, it’s a good sign that they have feelings for you.
#7. They Touch You (Non-Intrusively).
This is another sign related to the proximity-seeking behaviour we talked about earlier.
When we like someone, we tend to want to be near them and establish physical contact.
For example, they may touch your arm while talking or give you a light hug when they see you.
Of course, it’s always possible that someone is just touchy-feely and not aware of their space boundaries.
But if you notice someone consistently trying to establish physical contact with you, it may be a sign that they’re attracted to you.
This also includes when they stand or sit very close to you in general.
#6. They Get Jealous.
This might be a little harder to spot, as it’s not always obvious when someone is feeling jealous.
But body language experts say that jealousy can sometimes manifest itself in body language cues.
For example, you may notice the person getting tense or making negative comments about other people you’re talking to, even if they don’t know those people.
Or, they may try to steer the conversation away from topics that might make them feel jealous.
If you notice someone behaving this way, it’s possible that they’re attracted to you and feeling jealous of other people in your life.
#5. They Mirror Your Body Language.
One of the proven body language signs that someone likes you is when they mirror your body language.
For example, if you’re crossing your arms, they may cross their arms as well. Or, if you tilt your head to the side, they may do the same.
People often do this subconsciously when they’re attracted to someone. It’s a way of trying to establish rapport and make the other person feel comfortable.
This can also include things like speaking at the same speed or volume as you or sharing similar interests and hobbies. This is one of the proven body language signs that indicate someone secretly likes you.
#4. They Try to Find Reasons to Spend Time With You.
Have you ever had someone in your life who just seemed to pop up out of nowhere?
Maybe you have a co-worker who always ends up at the same lunch spot as you or a neighbor who always seems to be around when you’re outside.
While it’s possible that this is just a coincidence, it’s also possible that this person is secretly trying to spend more time with you.
After all, one of the signs that someone likes you is if they go out of their way to find reasons to spend time with you.
#3. They Notice Every Little Change.
Do you ever feel like someone is always watching you? Maybe they seem to notice every time you get a new haircut or change your outfit.
If so, it’s possible that this person is attracted to you and subconsciously taking note of any changes in your appearance.
Body language experts say that people who are attracted to someone will often find them more noticeable and memorable than others.
So, if someone seems to always remember the little details about you, it’s a good sign that they’re interested in you.
#2. They Seek Out Your Opinion Before Making Decisions.
Have you ever had someone constantly come to you for advice, even on the most mundane of topics?
Maybe it’s a colleague at work who always asks for your opinion before making decisions or a friend who constantly texts you before making plans.
If someone is regularly seeking your opinion, it could be a sign that they secretly like you.
After all, they are effectively asking for your approval before making any decisions. This behaviour indicates that they value your opinion and want to make sure that you’re happy with what they’re doing.
#1. They Share Personal Things With You.
Ask yourself this: Would you tell just anyone your deepest, darkest secrets? Probably not.
So, if someone is confiding in you and sharing personal things with you, it’s a big sign that they trust you and feel comfortable around you.
This behavior usually indicates that the person likes and respects you. In fact, body language experts say that sharing secrets is often a way of deepening intimacy and closeness between two people.
Final Thoughts.
There you have it 14 body language signs someone secretly likes you. As you can see, most of these signs are non-verbal cues. This just goes to show that body language is a powerful way of communicating how we feel, even if we’re not aware of it.
If you can relate to at least 7 of the given 14 signs, then it’s likely that the person in question secretly likes you.
And if you want people to like you, even more, make sure to display positive body language yourself.
To help you achieve that we have made a detailed positive body language checklist that we are giving away for free to our loyal subscribers.
If you found this post helpful, do not hesitate to share it with others. You will never know how much it can help them. Let’s make the world a better place for everyone.
Get Our Positive Body Language Checklist For FREE: click here
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