12 Things You Should NEVER Say to a Guy

Have you ever wondered why some guys just seem to lose interest for no reason? It’s not always because they met someone else. Sometimes, it’s because of something you said. There are some things you should never say to a guy in any situation.
Women are often unaware of the things they say that can make a man lose interest. And even if you think what you’re saying is harmless, it can still have a negative effect. So, to avoid pushing him away and losing his interest, make sure to read this post all the way through.
Related post: How To Make Him Choose You Over Another Girl In 10 Simple Steps
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12 Things You Should Never Say To a Guy
1. “I am Taller Than You”
Even if you are joking, this can come across as arrogant, and it’s a major turn off for guys. Nobody likes to feel like they are not good enough, so avoid saying things that make him feel that way.
For example, saying things like “you are short” or “I am taller than you” is only going to make him feel bad about himself. And it’s not just his height that you should never comment on. Things like his weight, or even the way he dresses, are also off limits. If you want to keep him interested, avoid making any negative comments that could be seen as judgmental.
2. “Be a Man”
“Be a man” is one of the things you should never say to a guy. We live in a society that tells us men have to be tough, emotionless, and always in control. As a result, many guys grow up feeling like they can’t show their true emotions.
When you tell a guy to “be a man,” you’re essentially telling him to bottle up his feelings and suppress who he really is. This can be incredibly damaging to his mental health and will only make him feel more distant from you.
It will make him feel like he can’t be himself around you and that he has to put on a persona just to please you.
If you want to learn how to trigger his deep desire for you and make him yours, check out this guide. Click here.
3. “Your Friend is Hot”
This is a dangerous game to play. You are essentially saying, “I find your friend more attractive than you.”
Even if you don’t mean it in a malicious way, it still comes across that way. And trust me, he will take notice. Guys are very territorial and they don’t like to share their women.
So avoid any comments about how hot his friend is. It will only make him feel insecure and less attracted to you.
4. “You Remind Me of My Ex”
Maybe you think he’s got the same great hair as your ex, or maybe he does something that reminds you of them. Whatever it is, resist the urge to tell him. This is a surefire way to make him feel like he’s not good enough for you, and no guy wants to feel that way.
If you can’t help but say it, at least follow it up with a compliment so he knows you’re not just comparing him to your ex because you think he’s inferior.
Men don’t like to be compared to other men, especially not in a negative light. So if you want him to stick around, keep this phrase to yourself. This is one of the things you should never say to a guy.
5. “You Are Like a Brother to Me”
Most guys have heard this one before, and it completely kills the mood. It’s the kiss of death for any guy who was hoping to take things to the next level with you.
Many women use this phrase to let a guy know that they just want to be friends. So, if you are just joking around with a guy and don’t want to lead him on, then this is the phrase you should use.
But, if you are interested in him, then you should avoid saying this at all cost. It will only make him lose interest in you.
6. “It’s Just a Game”
Men take their games very seriously. Whether it’s football, basketball, video games, or board games, men take competition very seriously. So when you say something like, “it’s just a game,” you’re trivializing his hobby and insulting his intelligence.
When you tell him “it’s just a game,” you’re saying that his interests are childish and not worth your time. This is a major turn-off for guys, and it will make him lose interest in you very quickly.
7. “You Act Like a Child”
This is probably one of the most insulting things you can say to a man. It’s implying that he’s not mature and that he’s not capable of handling himself in a relationship. It will make him feel like he needs to prove himself to you, and it will likely cause him to withdraw from the relationship.
When he acts like a child, try to see it as him being playful and fun. If you can’t do that, then maybe he’s not the right guy for you. Men often show this side of themselves when they feel comfortable and safe with a woman. It’s a sign that he trusts you and feels like he can be himself around you.
8. “You’re So Sensitive”
When a woman says this to a man, she’s basically telling him that he’s too emotional and needs to toughen up. This is one of the things you should never say to a guy if you want him to stay attracted to you. It will make him feel like you think he’s weak and that he can’t handle his own emotions.
Men are known to be “tough,” but that doesn’t mean they don’t have emotions. In fact, men are just as emotional as women, but they express their emotions differently. When a man is feeling sad, he might not cry like a woman would, but that doesn’t mean he’s not experiencing the same emotion.
9. “So, What Are We Now?”
If you want to stress a guy out, this is one of the things you should say to him. It’s a loaded question that implies there’s more to the relationship than what he’s comfortable with.
It will make him feel like he needs to define the relationship, and it will likely cause him to withdraw from you.
Men often avoid defining relationships because they don’t want to be locked into something they’re not ready for. If you want to know where you stand with a guy, try to ask him indirectly. For example, you could ask him how he feels about you or what he sees for the future of the relationship.
10. “You Spend Too Much Time With Your Friends”
We get it. You want your man to spend more time with you. But complaining about the amount of time he spends with his friends is only going to make him resent you. If you want your guy to spend more time with you, try asking him to do things with you that he enjoys. Chances are he’ll be happy to oblige.
Nagging and complaining will only push your guy away, so try to avoid doing those things if you want to keep him around.
Do your best to make yourself someone that he enjoys being around, and you’ll find that he’ll want to spend more time with you as a result.
11. “All Men Are the Same”
We get it; you’ve been hurt before. A guy has probably done something to screw you over, and now you’re generalizing all men as a result. But here’s the thing-if you go into every relationship expecting the guy to disappoint you, he probably will.
You’re setting yourself up for failure from the get-go. Instead, try to give every guy a fair chance. You might be surprised at how different they can be.
Saying things like “all men are the same” is a surefire way to kill any guy’s attraction to you. Guys don’t want to be lumped in with all the other guys—they want to be seen as unique and special. So avoid saying things like this if you want to keep a guy interested.
12. “We Need to Talk”
This is probably one of the most dreaded phrases a man can hear. It usually means that there’s something wrong in the relationship, and he’s about to get lectured. If you want to talk to your guy about something, try doing it in a non-threatening way.
For example, you could start by saying something like “I noticed that you’ve been distant lately. Is everything okay?” This will let him know that you’re concerned without putting him on the defensive.
If you can, avoid saying “we need to talk.” It’s a surefire way to stress your guy out and make him not want to talk to you. If you must have a conversation, try to do it in a non-threatening way. This will give him the chance to open up to you without feeling like he’s in trouble.
Final Thoughts
As you can see, men are not emotionless creatures. In fact, they are just as emotional as women. The key is to understand how men express their emotions and to avoid saying things that will make them feel uncomfortable or stressed out. If you can do this, you’ll find that your relationships with men will be much more enjoyable.
Communication and respect are key in any relationship, so keep that in mind the next time you’re tempted to say one of these things to a guy.
Finally, if you think understanding men is hard, then you should definitely learn how to trigger their ”hero instinct”.
The best way to learn about this amazing psychology is by checking out this link right now. It’s a powerful psychology guide that will teach you exactly how to make a man fall in love with you using scientifically proven male psychology.
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