How to Become an Excellent Communicator in 11 Proven Steps

Do you want to know how to become an excellent communicator?
Communication is essential in almost every aspect of your life.Whether it’s at home, at work, or out with friends, learning how to communicate effectively is essential to your life’s success.
The good news is that communication skills can be learned. And, according to science, there are 11 specific steps you can take to become an excellent communicator.
If you learn and apply the 11 steps that we are going to show you in this post, you will see a significant improvement in your communication skills and the bonds you share with others.
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The Definition of Effective Communication.
Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages. It’s how we exchange information with others.
We communicate all the time, whether we realize it or not. For example, when we speak, listen, write, or read. Even our body language communicates messages to others.
Most of the time, communication is innocent enough. However, sometimes it can be the source of misunderstanding and conflict.
For example, have you ever said something to someone but they interpreted your words in a completely different way? That’s because the process of communication is complex. It involves much more than just the words we use.
To communicate effectively, we need to take into account the situation, the environment, and the person or people we are communicating with. We also need to be aware of our own communication style and how it might be impacting the way our message is being received.
Only when we take all of these things into account can we hope to communicate effectively.
With that said, here are the 11 proven steps you need to take to become an excellent communicator.
How to Become an Excellent Communicator?
Step 1. Know Your Audience.
Whether you’re giving a presentation to your boss, sending an email to a client, or talking to someone you know, it’s always important to know your audience.
By understanding who you’re communicating with, you’ll be able to tailor your message to their needs and better ensure that they understand and remember what you’re saying.
There are a few key things to consider when trying to get to know your audience. First, think about their level of expertise on the topic you’re discussing.
If you’re talking to experts, you won’t need to explain basic concepts but you will need to provide detailed information.
On the other hand, if you’re talking to beginners, you’ll need to start with the basics and use simpler language.
Second, consider your audience’s point of view. What are their goals and objectives? What might they already know about the topic? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you choose the most effective way to communicate your message.
Step 2. Identify Your Objectives.
What is it that you want to achieve through communication? Do you need to persuade someone to see things from your point of view?
Are you trying to build a rapport with someone? Once you have a clear idea of your goals, you can start to tailor your communication style accordingly.
For example, if you are looking to build relationships, it is important to be friendly and open. If you want to get your message across clearly, you may need to be more direct.
By taking the time to figure out your goals, you can make sure your communication is more effective and has more meaning.
Step 3. Listen Actively.
Communication isn’t just about what you say; it’s also about what you hear. When we are talking to someone, we often focus on preparing our next statement rather than truly listening to what the other person is saying.
This can lead to misunderstandings and prevent us from hearing the entire message. To avoid this, it’s important to practice active listening.
Active listening is a way of listening that involves fully engaging with the speaker and trying to understand their message.
It’s important to make eye contact, nod your head, and give verbal cues that show you are interested in and understanding what is being said.
This step is very simple. All you have to do is to listen more than you talk, and you will be able to develop a much better understanding of the conversation.
Step 4. Be Aware of Your Body Language.
In order to effectively communicate with others, you need to be aware of your own body language and how it affects the message that you are trying to send.
There are a few simple tips that you can follow to make sure that your body language is sending the right message.
First, always maintain eye contact with the person who you are speaking to. This shows that you are interested in what they have to say and that you are engaged in the conversation.
Second, try to keep an open posture. This means avoiding crossed arms or legs, which can make you appear closed off or uninterested.
You can get our complete positive body language checklist for free. By checking out the first link in the description after watching this video.
Step 5. Keep It Simple.
The fifth step to becoming an excellent communicator is to keep your message clear and concise.
When we are trying to communicate our ideas, it can be tempting to use big words or complicated language in order to sound more intelligent.
However, this often has the opposite effect and can make it difficult for others to understand what we are trying to say.
It’s important to use language that is appropriate for your audience; that will get your message across clearly.
For example, if you are talking to someone who is not a native English speaker, it would be best to avoid using idioms or slang words that they might not be familiar with.
Step 6. Pace Yourself.
Did you know that the way you speak can have a big impact on how effectively your message is conveyed?
When we are nervous or excited, it’s common to speak quickly. However, speaking too quickly can make it difficult for others to understand us and can make us sound insecure.
On the other hand, speaking too slowly can make us sound bored or uninterested.
The key is to find a balance and to speak at a pace that is comfortable for both you and the person you are speaking to.
You can practice finding the right pace by recording yourself speaking and then listening back to see if you are speaking too quickly or slowly.
Step 7. Pay Attention To Your Tone of Voice.
In a study, it was found that up to 38% of the meaning of a message is conveyed through the tone of voice.
This means that the way we say something is just as important as the words we use.
For example, if you were to say the same sentence with a happy tone of voice or a sad tone of voice, the meaning of the sentence would change completely.
When we are communicating with others, it’s important to be aware of our tone of voice and to make sure that it matches the message we are trying to convey.
Step 8. Avoid Generalizations.
One of the big mistakes we often make when communicating with others is to generalize.
For example, if you are talking about a problem you are having at work, it would be wrong to say, “My boss is always yelling at me.”
This is a generalization because it’s not always true. There might be times when your boss is happy with your work or gives you compliments.
When we generalize, we are often only thinking about the times when things go wrong. This can make it seem like the problem is bigger than it really is.
It’s important to avoid generalizations and to focus on specific examples instead.
Step 9. Ask Meaningful Questions.
Asking questions is a great way to show that you are interested in the other person and to keep the conversation flowing.
However, it’s important to make sure that the questions you are asking are meaningful.
For example, instead of asking “How was your day?” (which can often be met with a one-word answer), you could ask “What was the best part of your day?”
This question is more likely to lead to a longer conversation because it requires the other person to think about a specific event that happened during their day.
You can also use questions to get more information about a particular topic. The way you ask your questions can make a big difference in how effective they are.
Step 10. Avoid Judgmental Language.
Think about it. How interesting would a conversation be if the other person was constantly judging everything you said?
Probably not very interesting.
The same goes for when we are communicating with others. If we use judgmental language, it can make the other person feel defensive and can cause them to shut down.
This will make people lose interest in what you have to say and will make it more difficult to get your message across.
It’s important to avoid using judgmental language and try to use neutral language instead.
Step 11. Choose the Right Time.
The final step in becoming an excellent communicator is to choose the right moment.
There will be times when it’s better to have a conversation in person and there will be times when it’s better to send an email or text message.
For example, if you need to have a difficult conversation with someone, it’s probably best to do it in person.
This will give you the chance to read their body language and to see their reaction to what you are saying.
It’s also important to take into account the other person’s mood. If they seem tired or busy, it might be better to wait until another time to have the conversation.
Taking the time to choose the right moment can make a big difference in how effective your communication is.
Wrap Up.
Now, take what you have learned and put it into practice. The more you use these steps, the better your communication skills will become. Soon, you’ll be an excellent communicator in no time!
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